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Next beta will write at most :onyx/batch-size number of messages, and if the number of bytes exceeds Aeron’s buffers, it will back-off and split the total payload into sub-batches, subverting an exception that would otherwise be thrown. We’re going to switch :onyx/batch-size to number of bytes in the near future, since this is a better upper-bound indicator than number of segments.


what is the rationale behind onyx automatically configuring timbre as a logger ? wouldn't it make more sense to let the configuration (e.g. onyx.log as default) up to the user ? i know it's possible to override this behavior with your own timbre config, but i was just wondering why it hijacks my logger by default 🙂


@lmergen this is something that has come up. I'd be open to going with something less... dominating, but we don't have the time to convert it right now. I think we'd take a PR though.


I’d be alright with moving to Log4J at this point.


ok, that's good to know. it's not a big issue, just a bit of a surprise


i think just using the logger and not configuring it would be most desirable


@lucasbradstreet onyx-datomic beta9 is still not pushed to clojars ... is it possible to get that pushed?


@hunter we’re cutting a new release right now


@hunter Noticed that failed yesterday - our CI process was being funny. beta-10 is going out now, should get Datomic pushed too


thanks for letting us know


awesome! thanks


fyi, all of my previous issues with onyx-datomic were resolved in beta9