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How should I delete the window if set :trigger/period to [1000 :millisecond]? I also trying to remove the trigger by return nil in refinement. But it begins to bump nil in trigger.


@richardwong Windows can’t be deleted. If they are used in combination with a discarding trigger refinement, their content is set to nil, and internally the record of the window contents is removed.


I don’t understand what you mean by “remove the trigger”. Triggers, also, cannot be removed.


How to clean the window state of extents, I found the window will hold all extents that window aggregated?


Remove the trigger means stop :trigger/period bump process. after set window state to nil I still can get the sync method being called..


@isaac A window contents aren’t subject to “set the whole thing to nil”, or something like that. If you want a clean state, kill off the job and start a new one.


@richardwong Triggers will continue to fire on their period interval regardless of their contents.