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New docs: idioms for testing Onyx code / having a very smooth repl experience -
hey @lucasbradstreet turns out DataDog’s agent has a statsd implementation, so we actually don’t need riemann at all… if we can ship from Onyx to statsd directly. are you aware of anyone who might already be doing this?
otherwise, we might be positioned to contribute something back, finally
Ah cool. I don’t know anyone who is doing so
I refactored the metrics plugin recently, so it should be very little work for you to do so
All you need to do is supply your own sender-fn: :metrics/sender-fn :onyx.lifecycle.metrics.timbre/timbre-sender
Which looks something like this:
You’ll probably have to transform the metrics-msg values you’re taking off the channel into the appropriate form
great. sounds like we need to upgrade to 0.8.1 first?
Yeah, you probably should
@lucasbradstreet: hey just a quick question about metrics, is there any reason there isn't a 'max' for the past 60s option for latency? would you accept a PR for one?
think I need you to clarify that a little, what do you mean by max?
For latency measurements we record each latency measurement for 10 seconds, then calculate all the percentiles of the recordings, then clear the measurer
instead of stopping at the 99.9th percentile of the last 60s, include the maximum value for the last 60s aswell
if you’re seeing a 60s option / maximums, etc, it might be a feature of datadog
Ah, I see what you mean
I think we only do it over 10s though?
Ah yes, I think I’ve read some of his other stuff.
should be pretty simple to just include the max in all of those right? i'd be happy to give you a PR for that
We use this to measure:
I think if you can get a max out of the data structure we put the measurements in, you’d be sweet
I’ll take a patch for that
This is the data structure we use for latency
@lucasbradstreet: would you take a PR for a statsd writer?
yay. we get to contribute back!
😄 go team
we’re starting to colour inside the lines finally 😁
@robert-stuttaford, @greywolve: 0.8.2 (and plugins are all releasing now
metrics was released with the max latency improvement you PR’d. Thanks.