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I'm still having difficulties running the examples 🙂 I'm sure it's something silly on my part
I've run lein install, lein cljsbuild auto, but when I open an index.html file it seems like the files its expecting aren't there
@dehli when you do the lein install
, check if there aren't any warnings like Warning: skipped duplicate file: deps.cljs
, if there are, delete the target
folder and try again
after you finish, it should say which version was instaled, if you are on master will be like
so then on your project deps, use [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-beta2-SNAPSHOT" :scope "provided"]
then you should clean your project build and start over
I know, a lot of stuff, but then you should have the dev version working 🙂
it is installing on your local maven repository
so you should jsut be able to use it from that version
for clj I recommend checking lein checkouts
, they are more convenient and work great for clj
lein checkouts: (edited)
sure, just go with the install and it should be good
what are you trying to archive? use the om dev version, or make some changes on it?
ah, if you want to check, I sent a PR for that: i was reading this and it seems like it might be possible
anyway, if you want to keep a fast iteration cycle, I recommend a different approach, because doing the lein install
is really bad for that (after every change you would have to re-install and re-start the build for your project)
maybe, but I personally was never able to make it work for cljs, but you might 🙂
but there is an easier option
you can just copy the namespace you want to change on your source path (following the correct namespaces)
then the namespaces you have locally will have priority over the ones installed, this way you can iterate as if was just part of your code