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is there an equivalent to how in Om Now you could have a third opts
argument to your components (e.g. (defn my-view [data owner opts] …)
@danielstockton @anmonteiro thanks, the remote fetch tutorial part by @tony.kay addressed my issue! 👍:skin-tone-5:
I've written up some course notes about Om Next remotes here: - of course, this material may have some factual errors in it, I'm still on the learning curve - if you see any do please point them out and I'll fix them.
Hi! Sorry for the very noobish question. I'm following's quick start, and I have a doubt: is Object
in the defui macro a protocol?
@doddenino: this is not Om Next related, it's a clojure(script) thing
like in defrecord & deftype
It's JavaScript Object
, the base type of all objects.
Sorry if I asked in the wrong channel. I haven't still gotten to the protocols/records/types part, and the syntax confuses me a little!
Do you gives have any thoughts on this?
I don't think you're right in thinking that Om Next doesn't have the idea of a "single immutable atom". While it may be true that each part of your application only gets what it needs, the apps current state still lives in a single, immutable place
Currently hit a roadblock with routing
I’ve explored the various samples on the internet and seen this page
Questions like how to propagate or modify parameters from the top-level means users have not yet seriously considered the various tools around query - the simple AST. They should be encouraged to explore the possibilities and enumerate what further helpers or additional primitives may be missing.
Exactly that: how do I propagate parameters down the ast tree? I have a path parameter that is needed way down the UI hierarchy.
Bonus question: isn’t set-query!
against everything we value in CLJS? I thought the UI should be a function of the app state.
@dnolen: It looks like add-root
supports setting :normalized
in the app state itself to prevent initial normalization. I'm hoping to be able to supply a pre-normalized app state from the start, but have :normalize
turned on. I assume this is meant to be a publicly supported thing, but it isn't in the docs. Should I document it?
Do you end up building a factory for pretty much all components?
so doesn’t really effect anything like time travel - that said if you are going to explore routing you are on your own for now until I have time to get to it
I see, thanks for the answer
plenty of people have come up with things that work for them in this channel, hopefully someone will chime in at some point
Tried some of the existing solutions and none worked for me. We have a quite heavily nested app that we’re converting to om next. I will keep on exploring
Do you think manipulating the ast is a valid option tho?
write your own query managing thing, the fact that set-query!
can take the reconciler as the 1st argument is for this
while I can see how the AST bits might be useful I don’t really see why you need to go there for basic stuff
Thanks, will do
Does anybody know why removing :count from the query here: would cause the app not to load? I get no error but the root component doesn’t seem to get mounted.
Also, why is current-route nil here: how should I call the sub-component for it to get the proper data?
Ah, figured that one out. I still can’t understand why removing :count from the query breaks the application. It’s not used anywhere.
It doesn’t have to be count. When the query is [:current-route] the component doesn’t get mounted, when it’s [:current-route :whatever] it gets mounted.
Ha! so, :current-route is nil at the beginning, if I set it to something else, it works, if it’s nil, it doesn’t. Does Om Next skip mounting components where the values of the queries end up being nil?
I don’t know the exact behavior, but it does something like that … when I did a small experiment starting with an empty app state and getting data from the remote it did not render my root component until the remote return value (instead of nil)
hmm I just checked my routing logic, my app doesn't complain about my initial route not being a part of the appstate
I had nothing to do with routing though, it just was the parse result was nil for the component
It probably depends on what your app does with that nil
(defui Root
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
[{:current-user (om/get-query User)}])
(render [this]
(dom/div nil
(user (-> this om/props :current-user)))))
My app is just printing it out. componentDidUpdate doesn’t even run.
I didn’t go back and forth tho, just noticed it on add-root!
… so no idea the full behavior
Ok… this feels annoying… I guess I could replace nil for {} for current-route.
I’m glad it’s not just me.
might be this logic :
@dnolen: Ooops. I just tried it, and it turns out I mis-read the code (@state was the reconciler state not app state). Mind if I add an option to the construction of the reconciler to allow hand-normalization of the initial state?
@tony.kay: I think maybe the docs should just be more clear how to allow hand normalization
if you pass an app-state atom I believe the default is that it’s not normalized for you
I'm looking for the combo of hand-normalized initial state, but with normalization turned on
OK...then I'll test that and submit a PR if it is broken (which I think it might be)
@tony.kay: yep I confirm that
the fix is simple: change this line to norm?
@tony.kay: @anmonteiro beat me to it
there should also be something to do wrt. to :normalize
(or (not norm?) normalize)
-> (or normalize (not norm?))
I think the order is wrong
@anmonteiro: ha that too, fine if in the same PR
I'm just chiming in, I think @tony.kay will do it
@aria_ I think the single immutable atom is an implementation detail that’s orthogonal to the way a component expresses what it wants to see of the world. I think that separates how the world is represented(one or more atoms or some other state strategy) from how the component thinks about the world.
Depending on the current-route, I dispatch and call different factories to render different subcomponents, but I also need the queries of these subcomponents. Should I do it by calling om/set-query or is there a better way?
Yes, om/set-query
is currently the way to go.
sorry...had (and have more) meetings. @anmonteiro if you want to fix that...go for it!
Does this make sense, to update the current-route (app state) and the query (to include the query of the sub-component):
I'm going to try using the alphas in a devcards-only profile, which should work, but obviously just running 1.0 in production would be simpler
@anmonteiro: not sure what you're talking about on order. OR is commutative, and the short-circuit doesn't matter
@tony.kay: right, maybe that line doesn't need changing after all
@frankie: For basic routing I have been using a mix of secretary and I usually have a parameter on the Root UI view that I set via set-query! from my “defroute” to pass in anything additional from route info...
no I really like it … I don’t know why I that hadn’t cross my mind to switch out roots like that on routing
I know some people like to flip-out the different “views” inside a root view based upon state, but that just never works that great for me.
yah, and so it kind of reconciles twice? once without an id, once with? or do you just not notice any kind of in between state?
maybe reconcile is not the word … but like parsing, e.g. sending a remote query once on add-root!
and once on set-query!