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actually was good we did those at the same time, so it was fresh in our respective memories.
@anmonteiro: merged does that actually close 550?
removes any reason for target to be nil too right? I was thinking there was some other code that could be removed because of that.
@dnolen: it does fix it, just confirmed by running the example in the issue
@adammiller: yeah there's probably some detail cleaning up stuff we’ll get to when I’m a little more confident about what we currently have (getting close)
@anmonteiro: thanks for the confirm
@dnolen: I think @tony.kay 's PR #560 should not be merged then. it tackled the issue in an opposite way. Right?
@anmonteiro: you mean 550?
nvm, you're ahead of me
I wasn't getting the emails
@tony.kay: I guess you don't need me anymore since the PR is merged ye?
np, I'm off to bed then, getting late in Germany
maybe i’m misreading something but it seems like the first condition here is all that would ever execute:
any way to fit something like (def img (new js/image)) and (set! (.-src img) "img-src-name") inside an om component?
hi guys, when I got the result from om next backend, the props is like this
{:project/page {:project/page [{:project/name "Project 1", :project/developer {:db/id 17592186045424, :developer/name "Phu My Hung 1"}}]}}
my question is, do I do something wrong ( it looks a bit messy ) ? Or it's normal that I have to dig in this map to get what I want which is project/name and project/developer
@anmonteiro: In your blog post I think the Union at the front of the node names should not be there
can anyone explain to me what do transit reader and transit writer in om next server do ?
They help serialize/deseralize the om next tempid, such as
#om/id [44].
@simonb: hah! Thanks, damn copy paste; will update
I have a (beginner?) question about I followed the tutorial Components, Identity and Normalisation successfully, and I want to toy with it in a certain manner but can't find how. Namely, I want to display people grouped by their :points
, and be able to update all people with the same score. I don't know how to proceed. Is it the responsibility of another component to provide another view on the normalised data ?
I tried the following : (showing only code added to original tutorial)
(defmethod read :person/by-points
[{:keys [state] :as env} key params]
{:value (->> (get @state :person/by-name)
((fn [st]
(println st)
(group-by :points)
(map (fn [[score persons]]
(let [names (map :name persons)
mapped-name (into [] (map #(vector :person/by-name %) names))]
[score mapped-name])))
(into {}))})
(defui Points
static om/Ident
(ident [this {:keys [points]}]
[:person/by-points points])
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
'[:name :points])
(render [this]
(dom/div nil (str (om/props this)))))
(def points (om/factory Points))
;; modified RootView
(defui RootView
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
(let [person-query (om/get-query Person)
points-query (om/get-query Points)] ;; <------ NEW
`[{:list/one ~person-query} {:list/two ~person-query} {:person/by-points ~points-query}])) ;; <------ CHANGED
(render [this]
(println "Render RootView")
(let [{:keys [list/one list/two person/by-points]} (om/props this)] ;; <------ CHANGED
(apply dom/div nil
[(dom/h2 nil "List One")
(list-view one)
(dom/h2 nil "List Two")
(list-view two)
(points by-points)])))) ;; <------ NEW
The function in the :value
of the read
method for :person/by-points
successfully group people by score, based on normalized data
But the "grouped-by" data is not part of the state atom. Also I have no idea how to make it so that everytime some data is changed, this "grouped-by" list is updated.
@djebbz: You might take a look at if you haven’t already seen it.
how does thinking with links work in regards to datascript?
Hi @djebbz: if you want to re render your group-by component you should add the key to the transact! function. Have a look at Why is my component not rerendered after transact!? in the FAQ In Person you can try :
#js {:onClick
(fn [e]
(om/transact! this
`[(points/increment ~props) :person/by-points]))}
Thx @hmadelaine, indeed I forgot to add the key to transact. Will try and tell you
BTW, I stumbled upon this page with links to articles related to Pretty sure you know this already, but sharing anyway just in case.
@djebbz: I wrote a follow-up to that article which you can check here
does make any sense to use with datascript though recursive queries don’t seem to be supported yet?
@denik: recursive queries are supported in Om Next
@denik: see Om devcards from here
@denik: I've written about query syntax yesterday here as well:
@denik: haven't tried it with datascript though so can't help there
@anmonteiro: I think what I’m really looking for is the top level part
Thanks @anmonteiro ! Lots to study
I want to capture the return of the messages sent to server. I know the transit-post ( can be a place for that. I've been watching and saw that all mutations were paired with a :value something, to force a re-read by the client. Do you think that transit-post is a good place to listen from return of the server ?
@dnolen: @tony.kay: managed to create a case where recursion limits don't work with unions; submitted
working on a patch
@dnolen: db->tree
's signature is accumulating arguments, some of which that are not meant to be used by people; do you agree that I move the behavior to a denormalize*
private function and only keep the public sigs in db->tree
this would be part of the patch I'm working on for #565
just like tree->db
calls normalize*
@anmonteiro: yes internal arguments should not appear in the public signature if possible
anybody knows how I can test an om component without rendering it?
@anmonteiro: what is the use-case? It worked with the case you had in tests
@hugobessaa: what are you wanting to test?
@tony.kay: it worked because whatever value you specified in my tests, it only had 1-recursion
so the result was actually valid
my patch is almost ready, you can tinker with my test cases in some minutes
Interesting: I tried zero (which did not recurse) and 1 (which did), which indicated the reduction of recusion levels was ok.
this one was a mind bender, specially in what concerns different recursion limits in a union
Basically what react shallow rendering gives to you: an object you can assert upon, instead of having to render the component to the dom
Before I create a minimal case for this issues I'm having, I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong as it seems others would have come up with the issue before I.
When merging results back from a remote, I'm using an ident as a key. This is resulting in the following error:
This error is thrown from the indexer at the protocol function: key->components
after the queue is processing...
I'm just not seeing why this is an invalid key... so I'm not sure if the function itself should be getting the dispatch-key part out of the ident and not throwing this error.
sorry @hugobessaa i’m not sure of anything…maybe someone else could chime in and help
@adammiller: thanks
OK, please disregard... somehow a cached version of next.cljs kept making it into the build, even after lein clean. It explains several issues I was having.
Hmm. I'm working on upgrading from Om 0.8.8 to Om 0.9.0, and all of my calls to set-state!
are complaining that the result of (get-state owner)
doesn't satisfy IAssociative
@anmonteiro: Thanks, I'll have a look.
Hello All! I'm still learning me some and was wondering if anyone had a best practice to pass in initial state to a component. For instance, if I have a id to filter the component by? The tutorial shows how to use IQueryParams "inside" the component, but what about setting the initial values of those parameters outside of the component via make-root!? Maybe I'm coming at this completely wrong...
Just curious how people are approaching this ...perhaps dumping client side routing? Which is where I am trying to grab the ":id" to filter from...
@tmorten: Maybe what you're looking for is an ident query? Have the component look up the filter itself?
@peeja: From what I understand that would work inside my component if the component already knows what the ID is I'm looking for...either setting it manually in the query [:by-id 1]...what I want is to pass in the "1" from the routing library
is it possible to make the query/mutation/reconciliation part of a thing of its own? the reason i’m asking is i’m writing a super lightweight javascript plugin, and React/UI component isn’t needed at this point, however i do need the ability to run graphql-like queries and mutations and send a batch to the server. i’ve been looking for alternatives. i haven’t found a graphql implementation in cljs (there are a few graphql-inspired ones, but mostly in clj only and are not well-maintained), but it seems that already has most pieces of what i need built in, they are just not independent components.
@tmorten: I'm imagining a singleton ident, maybe referring to routing info, or maybe just to some standalone filter info. Something like [:filters _]
@peeja: is there a way to do that even though I am using datascript as my global app state?
Oh, I haven't used it with datascript, so I don't know what happens there. But the parser will read the :filters
key, so it's whatever the datascript integration does with that.
Would it be completely out of line to store another global atom of state and in the om/IQueryParameter (params [_] (let [id (:id @global-routing-atom)] {:id id})?
@settinghead: might be possible in the future but we’re not going to spend any time or effort on that now
Where would the parent component have gotten it from in your earlier implementation, to pass it in as an initial state?
@peeja: Well, yes. Ultimately, I'm trying to render another RootView that has it's own query into datascript state via the url routing. (defroutes persons "/persons/:id" [id] (om/make-root reconciller Person) What I need is the ID from the routing into the person component to render the right person...? That's why I'm thinking I might be needing to dump the client side routing...
@peeja: I think, perhaps the way to go is to mutate an entity inside of datascript that tracks the current route. Are there any examples of using a singleton ident?
@tony.kay: I answered your comment in the PR
@anmonteiro: so one thing we might as well get in there now since it will break people who memoized it before
@tony.kay: np, it is out there now also for other people which might be interested
should be a huge performance win for people using recursive queries as reported by @jannis
@dnolen: that would definitely be cool
but that makes up for a separate issue, don't you think?
or you meant to be included in this same pR?
@anmonteiro: normally would be separate but since this PR breaks the old memoizability
@dnolen: alright. other than that, does it look OK? I assume you have looked over it since you're providing feedback
@dnolen: cool. probably won't get around to finish this today, but I don't think we're in a hurry
@dnolen: where would this entity cache live in your opinion?
@anmonteiro: sorry busy for a second and the idea may need some more thought because of changing recursion depth
@dnolen: gotcha. agreed wrt. changing recursion depth: I think it would make invalidation less trivial
from where I see it
actually I might have misinterpreted what you meant, after re-reading it again. I'll take some time to think about this