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Cenny Davidsson13:12:24

No, but it’s high on my reading list

Andreas Edvardsson08:12:33

I red it some time ago and it made me understand the value of design patterns and that they can, in fact, be applied in a functional style. It also made me realize that I did completely lack an architecture in my applications. I’m still not convinced that layers and layers of multimethods is the right solution every time, but certain parts of an application could very well benefit from the ideas and patterns in this book.

Jason Bullers15:12:30

That's a bit disappointing that it's not really idiomatic (but I guess not surprising as you mentioned: he's going to want something that works well with his other material). I was hoping for something that would bridge OOP and FP, but play to the idioms and aid in the mental remapping. For example, I think SOLID translates well enough; something like Open/Closed doesn't only map to multimethods and protocols: you can do it by leveraging open maps and interceptors, for example.

Karthikeyan A K13:12:54

I am unable to find what flow storm is, can I get its website link?


The user's guide: Basically - it instruments your code and captures every input and every output, and then you can walk into your code to see in which part things went wrong.