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Samuel Ludwig19:11:25

Been imagining what a Clojure "Skill-Tree" would look like if it were to be drawn out, and I think it would probably end up much closer to a mesh-like (directed) graph. It's hard to come up with features that stand/act/exist on their own, for example, conceptually tap> is pretty singular, but it could connect to other topics/"nodes" such as logging, debugging, and remote-repl-access (for in-prod-investigation).

Daniel Craig19:11:32

What does the direction of the edges in your graph signify? And is it tap> —> logging, or is it logging —> tap>

Samuel Ludwig19:11:28

good question: I consider direction meaning "X enables something related to Y". I think there would be some bidirectional relationships, but in this example it would be tap> -> logging


In theory, if you were already a pretty experienced programmer, you could start from the top of (after an initial introduction to a few fundamentals like what def means) and work your way downward in order to get a true tree rather than a graph. Not a very practical learning method, though 😆 (although that's how is intended to be learned since it's all built in itself, just working your way down the; and; in parallel, which I think is really cool)

Samuel Ludwig21:11:40

I think a lot of the 'tree' comes in when you start considering the larger ecosystem too, and not just the stdlib; for instance, the relationship between meta and stuartsierra's component, which also has relationships to Protocols and Records, and the general REPL experience, etc.; lotta connections 🙂


Fair! I just liked the thought experiment 😉

Samuel Ludwig21:11:32

agrees agrees, very valid 😆 reminds me that its been a while since I've read Beating the Averages


It might be worth looking at the skill tree that exercism has, I think they have a learning path, it's been a while since I checked