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YouTubers and anyone familiar with the subject – I have a question. Due to using aggressive ad-blocking everywhere all the time – like probably most on this Slack – it was only yesterday that I realised that YouTube is showing ads on my tiny channel (two videos, single-digit subscribers). A cursory search suggests that because the channel isn't anywhere close to eligible for monetisation, I do not have the option to disable that, couldn't even throw money at them to make it happen, and it seems that they're also keeping 100% of whatever negligible ad revenue is produced in the process. What madness is this, could YouTube truly be this blatant in telling small channels to go screw themselves or am I missing something obvious and getting riled up for no reason? I just want to be able to easily share the occasional screencast or demo with people without force-feeding them ads. Thanks


It's a free service for you and your viewers. Of course they're going to make money through ads. I've always been surprised that they support monetization at all but I suppose if you're really popular and they let you have some money, then you'll work harder to bring even more people to their platform (and make them even more money) - because you're doing marketing work for them. Remember: if the service is free to use, YOU are the product!


No expert by any means on this, but there is an option in Youtube to turn of ads for individual videos. Not sure if that would help:


You can turn off ads that generate revenue for yourself, but YouTube is at liberty to show ads that generate money for YouTube when ever it wants. If lucky, then ads only show before or after a video and not in between.


If you do not wish viewers to see ads, then there are paid for video services, e.g Vimeo Although these paid services would be more appropriate as a subscription (to cover costs) or as part of a marketing budget. I've considered putting the 100+ hours of Practicalli videos on Vimeo, but I don't get enough sponsorship to cover that (rather use sponsorship for generating more content)

Ben Sless16:08:51

That's the Faustian deal of using YouTube. There are other platforms but they're not as polished or reputable


@U04V70XH6 To be clear, I have no expectation of having my content hosted for free and, as I indicated, would be perfectly open to paying a small amount for my minimal usage of the platform. I don't seem to be given the option. @U01M742UT8F – thanks, I'd already seen that, but the option only seems to be available if your channel is eligibe for monetisation and mine is way too small for it. @U05254DQM – am I to understand that even if I had a monetisable channel and were to turn off ads for a specific video according to the documentation, YouTube still sometimes shows ads of their choosing? The documentation seems pretty clear to me in saying that this would disable all ads. @UK0810AQ2 – yes, unfortunately it does appear that there is no way for a small channel to offer an ad-free experience on YouTube. Oh well, I'll have a look at Vimeo or Rumble or whatever else is out there.

Ben Sless17:08:31

Why do you need a platform over any file or media sharing service?


I was perhaps a bit unclear with my requirements – I do want a discoverable and subscribable feed to gather various videos that I can point people to. Otherwise yes, there'd be easier ways to handle it.


Thanks, everyone 🙏


P.S. looks great for very small channels, I think I'll go with that and upgrade as needed. P.P.S. And the title of their 404 page is "VimeUhOh" :heart_hands:

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25 video cap total though. I remember Vimeo being pretty expensive once you need to pay. But maybe it's because I wanted the live feature.


With YouTube, the users can pay to have an ad free experience, by getting YouTube premium.


Yeah, if you want live streaming it's 60 bucks a month...but if you just want to remove the 25 vids cap and get some extra features it's only 8, so not too bad. And I'm not remotely expecting to hit the cap anytime soon. I think it also depends quite a bit on the type of content. I'm just publishing short demos and want zero friction/annoyance for any potential viewer, whether they are logged in/paying for premium or not. So yeah, maybe not the way to go for every small channel, but certainly for mine.


Any CSS flexbox gurus out there? It seems like every property works with respect to the main-axis or cross-axis which can be modified with flex-direction except for gap, row-gap, and column-gap which ignore flex-direction. It also seems like there's no main/cross axis aware alternative for gap? Is that right?


Part of the reason I ask is it seems like the MDN docs get this wrong: > The column-gap property creates gaps between items on the main axis. The row-gap property creates gaps between flex lines, when you have flex-wrap set to wrap.


It seems like the above statement is only true if flex-direction is row.


I see gap working regardless of the axis.


that's because it's setting both the row-gap and column-gap so it only works in a main/cross axis aware way if row-gap and column-gap are equal.


gap: 10px 100px is main/cross axis oblivious


so there's no way to set something like:

main-axis-gap: 10px;
cross-axis-gap: 100px;
without writing some axis aware code specifically for gap.


Ah, I see. Yeah, I think you're right.


It kind of makes sense since the gap* properties also work with grid and column layouts.


Well, I sent a to MDN. We'll see what they say.

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Thanks for double-checking me!

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Apparently, the issue has already been reported, but the best way to update the description is still being figured out because of how row-gap and col-gap are influenced by flex-flow and writing-mode.