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Fun approximate quote from current Clojure Conj talk by Kira McLean: “He is like the Borkdude of this area of Clojure development.” I may be mistaken on the context, but I think she was talking about Daniel Slutsky and his work on data science in Clojure

❤️ 18

She was referring to Chris Neurnberger and this is way too much credit for me lol

borkdude 40
babashka 7

Chris is amazing! I still have no idea about what he was actually doing at Nvidia. But his "lazy noncaching by-index addressable" idea seems to be a great middle ground between clojure fp and high performance. (edit: not even sure if it's his idea originally)


Daniel Slutsky is the Sandman of Clojure development. He's perfectly able to venture into hell, have a conversation with the devil, accomplish his objective, and return completely functional (pun intended).

❤️ 2