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Just bought one of the latest Intel-based MacBook Pro's, with 64 GB of RAM and 2 TB of SSD (bought used on eBay). Biggest storage capacity laptop I've ever personally owned. Got a few hours today set aside to get it all set up for my future use. Early Xmas this year for me! (was getting along with 2014 model so far)

🎉 7
🚅 2
Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:11:03

that's a big upgrade :)


My personal laptop needs are fairly modest. I've gotten 5-6 years out of personal Mac laptops for almost 20 years now.


Probably some day I'll get an M1/M2/M<whatever> based Mac, but I don't mind other developers taking several years to iron out all of the kinks before I step into that particular water.

👍 2

Very nice. Recently I was looking at eBay auctions for a 64 GB Mac Mini but I didn't want to pay $700 for a used Mac mini... turns out these things can auction up to $1,000 and I missed out on a deal. For now I'm using a 2019 16-inch MacBook Pro


@U0CMVHBL2 tbf, my experience is that most of the kinks have been ironed out for a while. It was surprisingly uneventful to make the switch to Apple Silicon.