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Finally, I got @ericnormand’s grokking simplicity! It took a month to arrive in Japan. I look forward to reading it!

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Anyone aware of anyone looking for an interim or fractional CTO/Head of Engineering let me know as I'm likely to be available mid Sept and I'm looking to step back up to a Senior Leadship role (contract/consultancy). Doesn't have to be a Clojure shop but obviously I'd love it if it was!


Possibly #jobs or #remote-jobs for better eyeballs?


Anyone know how I can export an emacs org mode doc to markdown, but without using / starting emacs ? I have an org mode doc with a table in it, and as part of my script for pushing changes to git, I'd like to convert the org mode table to markdown and "plug it into" a section on my markdown doc.


Thanks, I'll have a look into that

Ben Sless13:09:20

But the more specific document manipulation you're talking about would probably require scripting pandoc, which might be a pain in the neck


Might be able to put the existing markdown readme into the org doc


and then just convert the entire doc


Emacs batch mode is useful for scripts like this

emacs  --batch --quick --eval "(require 'ox-md)" --eval "(org-export-to-file 'md \"\")"

👍 3
Ben Sless14:09:12

I didn't suggest it because I assumed Stuart wanted a solution completely independent of Emacs 😅


Nah, I use emacs and like it. Especially org-mode, I wasn't aware you could script stuff like that though!

Ben Sless14:09:50

You totally can 🙂

emacs 1

Poll: Do you pronounce "seq" as 1️⃣ "seck", or 2️⃣ "seek"?

2️⃣ 58
1️⃣ 11
William LaFrance19:09:13

Voted for “seck” even though I’m clearly wrong, and having been given an opportunity to think about it, I’m not sure if I support my own decision 😛


Something to be aware of - the option "2" comes first, at least on my screen. :)

William LaFrance19:09:58

The first couple people all voted for 2 😛


BTW same could be asked about char and assoc/`dissoc`.


@U03JPRPTSTX Yeah, that's probably why I usually encounter posts where OPs cast bogus initial votes. But then everyone has to be aware of that...

William LaFrance19:09:54

I pronounce char like what happens when you leave food in the oven too long, but I do pronounce assoc and dissoc “correctly”, like assosh and dissosh, not a-sock and dis-sock. And for the animated image format? That’s pronounced “yiff”, if only to end the debate.

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@U03JPRPTSTX You might wanna google the meaning of that last word in quotes... :D

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Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:09:24

seq is the prefix of "sequence" so should be pronounced like that (imo). similarly "assoc" should be pronounced like the beginning of "associate" but beware! different people pronounce it differently :) Rich says "assosh", I say it more like "assose". "assock" is just wrong and I will fight you about it. :) "char" is interesting in that as a prefix, "care" would be closest but seems like "char" like "chargrilled" is also pretty common.

William LaFrance19:09:42

@U2FRKM4TW Oh I’m well aware. Like I said, it ends the debate about gif vs jif quickly!


Seems like I pronounce everything in all the wrong ways, heh. Good thing I won't be a speaker on any conference. :)

Daniel Jomphe20:09:15

I happen to pronounce "seek-uence" but it looks like it should be pronounced "seck-uence" if I understand well?? My primary lang is French; I'm often surprised by syllable emphases, and sometimes observe how they're arbitrarily different based on "your" region. Looking into it a bit more now, it looks like "seek" should be good, no?

Daniel Jomphe20:09:08

Ohhhhhhhh forget it, I didn't remark the inversed order of the reacjis, so I agree with the majority. 🙂

William LaFrance20:09:32

You’re correct Daniel, it’s definitely pronounced “seek-uence” in US English, never “seck-uence”.

☺️ 1
Ben Sless20:09:58

I pronounce seq as seck but ISeq as iseek


When I first moved to London it was always a dead giveaway that I was new because none of the place names are pronounced anything like they're spelled, and you have to hear someone say it first. It was only when I took the bus to Holborn and the PA system said “Hoe-bun” that I realized I'd been saying it wrong. I definitely struggled with “assoc” until I heard Rich pronounce it “assosh” :) Maybe we need a pronunciation guide?


And what about GUI? I've always pronounced it "gooey" but I just heard my buddy spelling it out as "G" "U" "I".


Char has always just been 'car' to me. But now I realise that makes no sense at all


I say that one like charred. I've had this issue my whole life growing up because I was a huge reader and you just rarely encounter many words spoken out loud vs in books.

Luke Zeitlin21:09:11

"Assosh" sounds just terrible to me. A sock for ever 🧦

William LaFrance23:09:09

@U9J50BY4C This quote stuck with me: “Never make fun of people for mispronouncing a word. It means they learned it by reading.” Unsure of the original author.

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Mostly: seck in pt, seek in en sometimes mixed 😅


seek on the streets, seck s in the sheets

😄 4
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I have a possibly easy bash/grep question 🧵


In my .sh script I run a command e.g. kubectl blah blah, which over time will emit lines to stdout. At some point, that output will look approximately like this:

line 1
line 2
line 3
I want to sigquit that kubectl call when it looks like that, but not before. Note that the kubectl output is streamed, one line at a time, and it is unpredictable when each line will be printed.


So tldr I don't know how to grep for multiple lines from a stream, and to quit that stream when a match happens. Also, yes, I know that there are languages nicer than bash :)


kubectl blah blah | while read line; do case $line ... esac; done


does that also support matching

line 1
line 2
line 3
? i.e. I should see those three lines consecutively, and be able to grep them (because there's a garbage part that prevents exact matches) not sure if read line will allow looking that the whole stream at once.


Have a separate monitoring process that does multi-line grep of log every x seconds, and kills kubectl if it finds it.

while true; do
	sleep 10
	grep -Pzo 'line 1\nline 2\nline 3\n' kubectl.log &> /dev/null && killall kubectl && exit 0


Untested ☝️


read line dends, you can look at each line, and set some other variable when it matches line 1, then some other when it matches line 2, then if the var for line 1 and line 2 are both set and you match line 3, then you are done


kubectl ... | grep -e line1 -e line2 -e line3 | head -n3 would this terminate kubectl ? (edit: misread the requirement that the lines must be consecutive)


@U45T93RA6 I'll second @U0NCTKEV8’s while + read, with pattern matching inside case. Here is how I am doing it in a project I'm currently hacking on (in Bash :) case-match patterns in an incoming stream of events... • to based on what the event contains • to based on events, to feed downstream The other alternative could be multiline sed. e.g. here are expressions that demarcated between known begin/end patterns (which could be Line 1 and Line 3 in your case).


> I should see those three lines consecutively Oh, I just noticed this detail. Choose the while + read + case solution, in which you can maintain a counter and/or flag, and issue the sigquit when your criterion is satisfied. Basically, you need to maintain state through the stream, indefinitely.You can't do this with grep alone, as far as I knowIt could be done with sed, but with much manpage reading.Also some awk one-liner with still more manpage / tutorial reading :) Edit: Of course one can with the right regex, as walterl wrote above. How silly of me facepalm


@U45T93RA6 also beware stdio buffering. I found out the hard way 😅 If you want to sigquit immediately, when the pattern occurs, then run the pipeline with no buffering. stdbuf is it.


Thanks all for the suggestions! I will do something along the lines that Walter suggests. I'll invoke kubectl in such a way that it doesn't stream anything, i.e. no --watch flag passed. I'll repeat this invocation in a loop, until the desired match happens. This seems a great simplification of the problem - you turn a stateful, streamy problem into a simple grep of a single, discrete input :)


With this said probably a few good tricks have been suggested, I'll check out shite soon

Cora (she/her)15:09:01

@U051MHSEK is absolutely right about buffering. alternatively you can use unbuffer (part of expect)

😅 1
Cora (she/her)15:09:04

expect could also be used for this but it's some learning

Cora (she/her)19:09:51

and really the issue with buffering is in the kernel. when something is run outside of a TTY the kernel things you don't need output as quickly since you're not interacting with it and so it buffers (4k at a time last I checked on a linux system years ago). so things like unbuffer/expect trick the kernel into thinking the program is being run within a TTY (using a pseudo-TTY or PTY) and so the kernel doesn't buffer the output between programs. if you're always running your program in a TTY then you don't have to worry as much

👀 1
Cora (she/her)19:09:39

it's still a problem for some things, just less of one 🙂

Ben Sless19:09:51

If you go for the grep solution, make sure to add the --line-buffered option


Thanks for that explanation, @U02N27RK69K! I never dug into why.