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Cora (she/her)13:07:27

it's rare that I find a comment section worth sharing from the orange website but wow this is so much amazing info

nice 1

@corasaurus-hex i saw that last night but didn't really dive into it. what cool things have you learned about?

Cora (she/her)13:07:02

DAWGs are interesting, I might use it for some fuzzy finding stuff


now that's a cool idea. rapid word similarity / indexing is amazing. there are some tricks like that in the japanese input method, where it has to match potential kanji based on the phonetic mora (~letters) one has keyed in so far


i was reading the paper on how they achieved a lot of the speed increases, probably dawgs involved

Noah Bogart14:07:38

Bag/Multiset is interesting. I'm still thinking through the usage


Have an idea for an app I want fir myself, but will need some storage. Obviously since its just for me, I don't want to pay. Probably need less than 100mb. Don't really care if its sql or nosql. Was thinking I might be able yo get away with just hosting json on github, in a public repo. Is this a really dumb idea? Any 100% free storage out their that has an app for querying it?


To deal with the obvious - if it's just for yourself, does it really need to be a web app? Can it not be a good old desktop/mobile app?


It's something I'd like to access when I'm out


But also from my home pc


If the data is static (i.e. you change it only during deployment and not in run time), there are multiple options. As long as the platform is intended for static content serving (GitHub is not, or at least was not, by itself - IIRC there was a clause in its ToS about it). E.g. Netlify seems like a good fit - they have this in their free plan.


You could probably get pretty far with Notion and its API as a quasi-backend


Or even something like google sheets:


A great tooltip on that image. :D

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:56

The storage of a free tier instance in some cloud

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:30

Or the free tier s3

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:41

Or the free tier db in some cloud

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:27

Personal projects are what the free tiers are for, just be careful with the small type and set up billing alerts just in case


Thanks, I'll check those out. Yeah, re: azure and s3, I'm a bit scared of them, getting something wrong and getting a bill on. But maybe it can be setup if I did mess up it just stops my instance, that would be ok

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:28

AWS have some always free free tier stuff, you could just store everything in dynamodb - you have 25 GB that there

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:39

They will probably not take away

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:38

There are some how-tos to setup billing alerts in AWS, it is not difficult at all

Dimitar Uzunov17:07:36

Having worked with both Azure and AWS I recommend AWS for predictability even if it is a bit harder to start with

šŸ‘ 1
Dimitar Uzunov17:07:11

They have a really good budgets feature that is easy to start with and has a forecast feature that is better than the machine learning hype Azure have so you can get notified if there is a trend you don't like. By default you also get notified when you exhaust 85% of any free tier limit, but that is rather late for my taste


Are you the only one accessing it? You could just host it yourself on some machine at home?

ā˜ļø 2

If you want to go self hosted in a secure and easy way I heartily recommended Tailscale which is free for personal use:

Daniel Craig22:07:17

Do you have a home NAS?

Aaron Cummings14:07:59

Something cheap (though not quite free) would be an old-school web hosting service like

Jeongsoo Lee18:07:20

I and my family recently relocated to LA from Seoul. Iā€™m quite scared of the state of economy here; inflation is real and almost all companies are going frugal and downsizing. Iā€™m worried if this affects my seeking for a job šŸ˜•


The job market isn't as hot as it was prior, where you'd get multiple offers and literally could pick and choose everything you wanted. But there are still open positions. Even when a place has a hiring freeze, they still might hire if someone leaves or for certain special cases where they really need too. It just means they won't hire in anticipation of growth.

Jeongsoo Lee18:07:45

@U0K064KQV Thanks, I might start by looking at job posting sites like functional works..

Jeongsoo Lee18:07:06

I have put Clojure(Script) first and foremost when looking at a posting, but I might have to loosen this a bit by looking for other technologies like Scala


Ya, Clojure jobs in general are not as common to find. I think if you look for any job, prioritize Clojure. And then as you work, keep an eye out for Clojure jobs and if you find one transition to it.

šŸ‘ 1

@U01LJQRJ2AU these Slack channels might be useful for you: #jobs #remote-jobs and #jobs-discuss

šŸ‘ 1

The Los Angeles Clojure has a monthly virtual Meetup. #clojure-losangeles

Jeongsoo Lee21:07:03

@U0AT6MBUL Oooh, nice! Will join the channel.