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Any thoughts on asciidoc vs org-mode vs restructredText vs markdown?

Cora (she/her)02:04:44

I really haven't been able to find good editor tooling for asciidoc

Cora (she/her)02:04:21

markdown is everywhere and well supported

Cora (she/her)02:04:07

probably depends on what I was doing with it, honestly


It's for my blog. Hum, that's a good cons for asciidoc. I'm currently using Pandoc markdown, it's okay, but I find having to manage some of the extensions and filter a bit annoying. AsciiDoc looked interesting, especially its diagram support.

Cora (she/her)02:04:44

asciidoc looks amazing to me and maybe I was just bad about finding good editor support

Cora (she/her)02:04:06

the emacs stuff is sort of unmaintained best I could tell

Cora (she/her)02:04:58

oh wow the vscode one looks pretty decent

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:04:10

asciidooc is markup, just use any text editor

Cora (she/her)02:04:09

I find editor integration to be important

Cora (she/her)02:04:30

and so do a lot of people

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:04:04

asciidoc has a conception of document sets that are published together, and the ability to specify intradoc links. for me, that alone made it vastly superior to markdown for any scenario bigger than a single file


@U02N27RK69K if you are thinking of integrated preview support, VSCode is pretty good for AsciiDoc.


@U0K064KQV I prefer AsciiDoc over Markdown. I find it easier to express myself in adoc. It has a richer set of features.


> Any thoughts on asciidoc vs org-mode vs restructredText vs markdown? Yes. Lots of thoughts 😀 (see the section on "A pretty good example of my usage" as well as "But seriously, Emacs winkwink, amirite?" if you don't already use Emacs).


> It's for my blog. Aside: I'm also working on, my dead-simple site/blog maker for myself, such that it is trivial to plug in any source text format for content (org, md, asciidoc etc.), along with any source -> HTML compiler (pandoc or whatever). Like so:

find content/ -type f -name *.org |
    shite_build_public_html \
        shite_proc_orgmode_content \
        shite_tidy_html > /dev/null
You may enjoy porting the design to babashka, and avoid deciding on any one format right now. Try them all, and see what works best :)


@U0K064KQV we are using asciidoc to document all kind of documents for our software: schemes, tables, diagrams. We use IntelliJ IDEA to edit asciidoc documents. It has integrated preview mode, grammar check etc. I found IDEA is most useful editor to work with this format. asciidoc allows us to publish our docs to various places: Confluence, Github, pdf, epub etc. Also asciidoc has great opensource editors like


asciidoc is super amazing. the ability to do admonitions alone is so so handy! it's my go to. For editing, I normally just edit in vim and have the page open in firefox with the Asciidoctor.js preview plugin enabled. As soon as I save the file in vim, the page in firefox reloads and I can see the changes instantenously.


I find Markdown together with MkDocs Materials to be the sweet spot for me. It is pretty feature rich and things look great out-of-the-box so I don't need to waste time using my non-existing design skills. It's what's used for Key features for me are the info-boxes that I can easily choose if they start collapsed or expanded and wether they are communicate information, warnings, or errors. Also very nice search function.


I really like org-mode. It's got a lot of intelligence baked in there, plus tools like org-roam which can auto track backlinks. Wouldn't rule it out unless you don't want to be tied to emacs


I love Emacs org-mode, but I just can't get emacs to have usable performance in windows for whatever reason. I've tried org-mode plugin for VSCode but it's missing almost everything from org-mode and I now abandoned.

😞 1
Cora (she/her)12:04:46

@U013YN3T4DA have you tried emacs running on linux under wsl using windows' new support for running x11 apps?


I was under impression that x11 support is only for wins 11.

Cora (she/her)12:04:03

ahhh so it is! my friend was telling me about it, I didn't realize he was on 11

Cora (she/her)12:04:55

I've used one of the third party x11 servers on windows 10 but can't remember how well emacs worked

Cora (she/her)12:04:37

windows 11 is out now, though. I should try it

Noah Bogart13:04:33

i switched my personal blog to asciidoc and i like it, but i made what i think is a mistake to follow the asciidoc standard of 1 sentence per line. I find it really hard to read and write like that and wish I hadn't done it as it makes it hard to read the text version of old posts.

Noah Bogart15:04:57

Yeah, that's the page that got me to try it out, but I found it doesn't work well for me. It's not how I think about source code either, lol.


I use Emacs on Windows with WSL2 and X410 as an x server. Works well


For those using org-mode, what's your setup to convert it to HTML? I think it be great for writing, as I use Emacs, but is there a command line to convert it that doesn't rely on Emacs? I think Pandoc technically has support for org, but not sure how good.

Cora (she/her)17:04:09

I've used ox-pandoc (via doom emacs) to export to html

Cora (she/her)17:04:31

I can't claim it's wonderful, I only used it a little, but it did work


Maybe one of the tools listed here will be useful enough? Alternatively, maybe run emacs itself in batch mode? Some


Hum, thanks all. Seems nothing is perfect haha. Might stick with what I've got now 😛

truestory 1

tradeoffs, sigh :)

Christoffer Ekeroth17:04:43

I’d like to voice my appreciation for restructured text; I’ve tried asciidoc and while it’s really good it didn’t really “gel” with me for some reason. RST was a bit intimidating at first but now I really like it for writing technical docs. Markdown is fine but I found it really limiting in its lack of e.g. admonitions, section references etc. Sure, you can use various extensions, but unless your language / blog engine of choice has good and complete support (as opposed to partial) for a specific superset of Markdown (e.g. Kramdown, GH Flavored Markdown) you’ll end up with your own weird dialect that may or may not be portable. RST and Asciidoc OTOH are quite established standards


Interesting, I'm using Pandoc Markdown, and my blog engine doesn't actually take markdown, but HTML directly, which Pandoc renders.


But its nice to see more native support of more powerful things from rst and asciidocs, that's actually what got me curious. I even wrote some of my own pandoc filters for extensions, but it gets tedious

Nom Nom Mousse07:04:35

Are there prettier/terser ways to sort a list by indexes?

(def orders [1 0 3 2])
(def to-sort (str/split "abcd" #""))
(map second 
  (sort-by (fn [[idx _val]] (get orders idx))
   (map-indexed vector to-sort)))
;; ("b" "a" "d" "c")
What I really want to do is to sort one list by another. The above is perhaps one of the steps needed.

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:24

(def orders {"b" 0 "a" 1 "d" 2 "c" 3})
(def to-sort (str/split "abcd" #""))
(sort-by #(get orders %) to-sort)

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:31

(sort-by orders to-sort)


Note that str/split returns a vector, which is indexable. Also, strings are indexable as well - no need to split them.

(def order [1 0 3 2])
(def to-sort "abcd")

(map #(nth to-sort %) order)

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:31

Wonderful. I was playing around in the REPL trying to golf it more and more. I do not think it can be done better.

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:56

How would you find the order indexes in the first place?

(def o (into {} (map (fn [[a b]] [b a]) (map-indexed vector "badc"))))
(sort-by o "acdbaac")
;; (\b \a \a \a \d \c \c)


Regarding your original question, would something like this be suitable?

(->> (map vector orders to-sort)
     (sort-by first)
     (map second))

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:28

Also a very nice solution!


Alternatively you could start with (zipmap orders to-sort)


(def s "badc")
;;=> #'user/s
(sort-by #(.indexOf s (int %)) "acdbaac")
;;=> (\b \a \a \a \d \c \c)

Nom Nom Mousse08:04:16

.indexOf is linear time though, but that is a good solution for small collections.

Cora (she/her)18:04:30

I should really start clojure morsels back up again

gratitude 8
Martynas Maciulevičius20:04:14

The answer is not whether you should but whether you want to. And if you write this message you probably do.

Cora (she/her)20:04:48

yeah that's the thing, it became unsustainable for me but I do like doing it


This is the newsletter right? Maybe make it monthly or bi-monthly? Any amount of morsels is a treat! 😆

💜 1