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God, 123-reg technical support is the worst. I bought a domain name from them over the weekend and now I can't login to the account to setup some DNS. After 30 minutes on the phone to them all they can suggest is "try again tomorrow?"


I do believe they don't have the best reputation


I can't raise a support ticket, as you have to be logged in to raise a ticket and I can't access their support live chat, as again, you have to be logged in


I think I might just do a charge back and screw the domain


Have a search on the register for 123-reg and you'll get a plethoria of hits...


All I wanted was to create a basic static site, with https using azure and blob storage with a custom domain pointed at it. All weekend on it and everything is just crap. 123-reg is crap, the azure portal is crap, azure documentation is crap.

Christoffer Ekeroth11:05:03

If you’re looking for alternatives for hosting static pages I can recommend Netlify; very easy to use and they have a generous free plan

Christoffer Ekeroth11:05:57

Setting up a site with git-based deployment, custom domain and SSL literally takes like 5-10 minutes


WIth Azure it seems to be Create a resource group Create a blob storage account Mark it as a static site Create a CDN profile Create a CDN endpoint Create a custom domain on the CDN endpoint Create a CName entry on your DNS to point ot CDN endpoint Enable SSL. It does a bunch of verification, when that finally happens you cna browse to your site. Update site. You are served old site before it was updated... Start over. Azure tells you that you need to wait 8 hours to try agian


I'll check out netlify, life is just too short for azure

👍 3

oh wow, that's it all set up and working with Netlify and I can push to it with a manual release git hub action, with working SSL and root domain

👍 3

seriously, three days on azure and I couldn't get it working.

Christoffer Ekeroth14:05:22

they have a pretty good story around CDNs and static asset caching as well; they leverage HTTP/2 features like multiplexing and etags so you can get performant client-side caching without resorting to cache busting hacks:

Christoffer Ekeroth14:05:46

(I promise I’m not a Netlify shill, just a very happy customer 😄 )

Christoffer Ekeroth14:05:20

One caveat is that once you’ve outgrown the free tier the paid plans are ridiculously expensive for what you actually get (but in that case the Azure door is still open)


I didn't actually need a cdn, just azure makes it a requirement to have a custom domain


Azure Portal is not crap. I needed some time to get used to it.


We use it pretty heavily at work, and I've tried to use it personally. I find everything about it awful


the UI is an embarrasment


UI from the usability perspective? Or that it uses really old tech (backbone.js) and looks old?


It sometimes gives error messages that basically equate "that didn't work", with no further information. So you just try exactly the same thing again and sometimes it just works...


the usability is terrible, the UI basically equates to keep scrolling the UI to the right...


True that. Agree about the horizontal scrolling.


About the error messages, I think everyone is worried about leaking internal stuff that one should not have leaked, thus they have this generic error.


Ive been on support calls with clueless tech support who, while sharing his screen, was on stack overflow trying to find how to solve my issue


So I want the landing page of my site to be very fast. I can move my site to and then put the wordpress at this will break all the links to because they'll now live at would probably muck up a lot of search results...

Christoffer Ekeroth20:05:12

Have you tried any of the caching plugins available, like WP Super Cache? WPSC basically turns your WP pages into static HTML W3C is another option; it’s more granular but I’ve found it a bit unreliable as it will sometimes slow sites down to a crawl, ironically


surely there's some dns redirect / routing magic that fixes this (it's been years since I messed with it but I remember aws having a widget for this sort of thing)


I think it would be pretty easy if the new wordpress host I am using gave me a dedicated IP, but that also costs extra... so I'm wondering what I can do to have [wordpress host] serve [normal server] serve*


Maybe I just gotta figure out how to self host WP and make it fast... i was hoping to get another provider so it would be nice and snappy x/


@sova one option to consider is an nginx reverse proxy in front of wordpress, with a static cached landing for the main page - which might be more effort than you are ready for if you haven't done nginx config before


but it will serve the cached documents very fast if configured correctly (not as fast as a CDN, but that's not a budget friendly option)


as a bonus, nginx is probably better security wise than whatever web server you are currently using, it makes a nice protective layer


@noisesmith nginx is awesome i gotta look into using that instead.

Juλian (he/him)18:05:16

I use traefik as reverse proxy for all my containers, and there I can not only specify the host, but also the path prefix

Claudio Ferreira20:05:50

[WHEN TO STUDY CLEAN CODE] When should a programmer start studying clean code? After writing a lot of ugly code (but learning the logic behind the programming language), or in the beggining to build great programming habits since the beggining of the journey?


I think "cleanliness" is a terrible way to approach this. what we actually need is readability - code where the first intuition of the human reader leads you to the author's intent. it's a question of human communication not mechanical hygiene. my preferred angle is that "optimization" is a vector space (you can optimize for memory usage, CPU usage, startup delay, portability, long term maintainability, short term time to deploy ...) and the most powerful optimization is to optimize for human readability. that optimization is fungible - it's the only one can trade it in for any other optimization. it introduces technical investment while all other optimizations introduce some form of technical debt.

👍 3

it's more of a literary skill. the ability to convey quickly and accurately what it means to a human reader.


I'd say it's best picked up via repeated code review (both reviewing the code of others and communicating with them about their intent, and having code reviewed by others and answering questions about your intent). there's quite a lot of empathy to it.


Hmm that is spot on and I think you can learn a ton by reading the source code to clojure libs lots of people use. That code tends to be very effective at communicating intent, and very effective at what it does. Since it sounds like the best way to get this sense would be to actively meet with other coders and inquire about code and intended consequences. Maybe watching streams of live-coding would be good in this department, too. I wish there was more of that.


Personally I think its easier to learn good habits, then to learn bad habits and have to undo them.


focus more on "ugly" code than clean code


all patterns are "clean" under 150 lines