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Welp, sorta unrelated to the CSS and design conversation, but I really want a way to easily make things interactive in the browser. Right now, I create pages.. but I want interactive elements, so I fire up clojurescript, and create a thing to include in a page and read from a file via ajax and it's just all over the place.


Or if you'd prefer more Clojure (and alpha-ness):


Wow @UFTRLDZEW htmx is super helpful. I thought I would have to do a lot of gruntwork to make things work out, but it turns out that HTMX is saving me a ton of work now! thanks a lot for the pointer. @U4ZDX466T ripley is cool too, only i don't really get how it works... it's not also just a js-injection kinda thing? or maybe it is?


Maybe I can write some macros funktions to generate javascript for me and just include that inline

Endre Bakken Stovner16:05:56

There isn't a thing that makes me feel as dumb as web programming XD Set one dinky CSS-option or whatever wrong and your whole page disappears 🙃