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hiredman00:02:16 "Structured Field Values for HTTP" about headers is related and hot off the press


Anyone have recommendations for screencast software and workflows? I'd like to record some simple screencasts with keystrokes displayed, on a linux machine.

Tomas Brejla09:02:42

I believe OBS ( might be a very good choice for recording and compositing. Sometimes I use it to record my screen and it works flawlessly. You can also easily make a composition of video sources and images - resize your webcam feed, move it to the corner etc. It supports both local recording mode and live streaming, if you need it. For showing pressed keys, there might be many smaller apps, for example screenkey. It looks nice, but I haven't used it yet. It probably makes sense to only show some "non-trivial" combinations of pressed keys, so that you don't end up showing the typing of every single letter in every single sentence (or letter of each function's name etc.).


Yeah looks like a great option!


Thanks for sharing.


her github is full of awesome repos

☝️ 3

I've a question about how people handle enterprise ETL. We get several hundred files from banks and other counterparts every morning. csv, txt, xls, large diversity of internal structures, but all tabular. We parse the content (including maybe header sections), run some validations, do simple transformations and chuck it in a DWH, to be used by downstream applications. I'm sure this is a super common thing, but I'm curious whether people tend to roll-their-own and write software to do this vs. buying in ETL box-and-arrow tools. My concern with the latter is that most of the ones I've seen tend to be very 'data-engineer'-y, with not much support for, I guess I'd call it 'production hardening' - change control over a large number of job definitions etc. Like the way to change the ETL job is some person just goes in to prod and fiddles with the boxes and arrows until it works, which scales poorly. Anyone have any experience with this?

Justin M21:02:58

I’ve used SSIS in the past and would avoid box-and-arrows for anything going forward. Its difficult to share logic, review logic, etc. I have not used it, but Airflow looks nice if you are open to using python for the glue code


Thanks! What was it about the box-and-arrows approach that turned you off?

Justin M21:02:21

logic is sometimes buried in multiple levels of UI, debugging can be a nightmare and it’s difficult to share logic. I would much rather use data structures and functions to describe pipelines. There is also this but I have not reviewed it in depth


Cool, thanks for the insight!

👍 6

I believe stu halloway gave a talk about ETL with core.async at the conj in austin in 2016. worth watching for how his experience went. but i suppose that would put him in the roll-their-own category. I've never used one of the ETL tools as you're describing though so i can juxtapose them


code here: readme includes youtube link to talk

thanks2 3

I do think if someone were to go down the roll-your-own route that Clojure would have some neat USPs, in terms of declaratively defining validations/transforms as data. Like Malli for spec validations and meander for transform. They get saved as resources and you can edit/version as needed.


Anyone know why Nightcode was archived?


Emailed the maintainer to see if they care to share the backstory for that.


my guess is some people feel like that is the responsible thing to do with projects they don't have time for anymore