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I recall having a discussion over here about replacements to oh my zsh. I recalled zplug, but I think there was another one. What are people using on top of zsh, if anything?
What's wrong with oh-my-zsh? Works well for me. I'm thinking of trying fish shell for a while, with oh-my-fish.
oh-my-zsh is pretty forkable, one can start from there and then ruthlessly rm undesired stuff (I haven't particularly needed to, but I forked in 2014 so I literally don't know if it's slower now)
not being a fan of “frameworks” in general, this is the only thing i use to customize my zsh prompt:
Cool, thanks all!
I am using prezto:
This one seems popular and advertises itself as really fast
Back pain is the worst, lying here barely able to move . Even getting up to go get some water is exhausting. Guess I'm getting old, phantom recurring back pain...
Hey, not sure if it’ll help you, but I found help me tremendously.
And upcoming happy birthday to all the soon to be 40 year old youngsters out there! 🎉
Its shocking how many films on amazon prime still have no closed captions / subtitles. Even newer films.