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@dpsutton oh no, what's going on in the congress stream (almost afraid to check)


they just finished the vote, or maybe its still on going. matt goetz earlier blamed antifa as part of the mob. just now the minority leader both-sides it with blm protests and the president whipping his followers to storm the capitol as his electoral loss was certified


the timer is at 0:00 and has been for some time but votes are still moving from the not-voted column to their choices so i don't know


the senate is eating right now. apparently they are dining together which is extremely rare. and then they should all go back to a joint session to continue opening the votes from the states until/if someone objects


right, I'm watching the senate, it sounds like the objections to state counts will be a time sink but none will be carried


right. senate seems to have lost their inclination. i heard hawley might continue to object but waive the time to argue so the votes would be immediate. no idea if the house would still take the full 2 hours though


and really they have until the 20th to validate the count, it's just unprecedented that they would even be held up at this point


yes. no one expected the president to have the capitol attacked


Ed Markey is explicitly calling it sedition, strongest words I've heard so far




giuliani tried to call new AL senator tuberville but instead left a voicemail on another senator's phone. he asked tuberville to object to every state to force delays until at least tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow night


objection to georgia had its signing senator withdraw their signature so the objection cannot be entertained


Anybody using M1 macs yet for clojure dev? Any experience?


FYI: I just saw you cant use two external monitors through the thunderbolt port... that would bum me out. On Hacker news, I might be an outlier but I usually use two external monitors.


yeah that is one of the reasons that I didn’t get an ARM Mac yet. My understanding is that all the integrated stuff that is packaged with the M1 CPU just can’t drive two monitors but I’m assuming that the next generation will not have that limitation so I’m waiting for that (and hoping that all the dev software/tools that I use will be more mature on ARM Mac by then)


Not two monitors, or not two on the same USB-c port? Cause that's a huge difference. My two year old MacBook doesn't support MST, so can't link screen together anyways..


My understanding was that it can’t drive two monitors, regardless of how many ports you plug stuff into (and I also understood that there are only two ports in any case)


I have one here, but it’s my wife’s. I did install various clojure dev tools including the azul ARM JDK and it was pretty fast.

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I will wait myself for a few months because there’s still a lot of binaries to be built for ARM. For example, in our codebase we use jsass which relies on a native binary to work, so that doesn’t work on ARM.

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Thanks for the info, well two external displays are not a problem for me anyways. I normally use just one. Maybe I just take the risk and get the macbook pro with M1 if CLojure stuff works 😄


apple is pretty good about the two week return policy....


Yeah, that's a good point :thumbsup:


I use a mac m1 mini and I have two Dell P2715Q 4K UHD monitors connected to my mac, one via the thunderbolt and one through the hdmi

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works perfectly.


I mostly use the m1 for audio/visual stuff. My main development machine is an i7 running Arch