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If anyone cares about trying a new shell, fish shell is incredibly, incredibly nice. It has some bugs where it just gets into a funky state and doesn't work essentially. And it doesn't understand the bash syntax of setting variables so Envfiles don't work.
I set fish as my default shell for years but still can't remember basic syntax like for, while etc because I don't use that much shell at all. But the ux is neat anyway
what template do you use? i'm trying "Pure" right now.
I know, but I was in a bank at the time and couldn't update :). That was just one example really.
true. but the autocompletion from history is absolutely killer. and parsing of man pages is amazing
Apparently zsh can parse --help
I have zsh with oh-my-zsh, but its quite slow ;/ should really invest some time in optimising my profile
My pro-tip is to use zplug it's a light package manager.
Thanks for mentioning it - right now I'm using zgen but maybe this one will be better.
Huh, or maybe not:
For me, the key thing is the API. I want to "declare" the plugins I want, and to add/remove them by changing my zshrc.
the reason I am still on oh-my-zsh is that I have no clue what it actually configures, and I am afraid that if I remove it, I break my own workflow :’)
I just had a go with zinit from zplug. Without much trying I went from 0.23s with zplug to 0.07s with zinit.
zplug zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
zplug zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
zplug 'zplug/zplug', hook-build:'zplug --self-manage'
zplug load
This is the fish-like part of my config.I also use changyuheng/zsh-interactive-cd, which is stellar (fzf on ambiguous cds) and romkatv/powerlevel10k, configured to look like sindresorhus/pure.
I had oh-my-zsh for years but don't think I used 10% of it. Just switched to a new system and dumped it. I did carry over my .zshrc but it doesn't have much zsh specific stuff. So kept it pretty vanilla this time and I haven't noticed the difference. I only installed the spaceship prompt
oh thats a really nice prompt
I really like two-line prompts
i have one line that show repo info (e.g. branch name) of curr dir and another that shows curr dir path (plus other date time info) - plus color to make recognition of pieces quicker
Reading the XState documentation: — what a fantastic library. Makes me jealous we don’t have it in ClojureScript. Kinda big to re-write, perhaps a wrapper might be feasible to make it a little bit more Clojure-like. But it seems like the basis is immutable so perhaps using as-is might not be a big deal.
We have a quite attractive version this with the latest Fulcro version:
it’s not clear to me whether fulcro’s state machines are full blown state charts or just finite state machines
also, xstate already has a lot of tooling for visualizing the chart you’ve created in code
also, xstate doesn’t depend on any other libraries, whereas fulcro’s state machines depends on all of fulcro
A rewrite sounds like a huge effort for no good result. But perhaps a wrapper might be worth it...