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Do you often put triggers or functions into your DB?


Not often. I think the last time I created a trigger it was for doing something stupid I probably shouldn’t have done.


PostGIS uses functions extensively and when I worked with that more I created some PL/SQL functions. Outside that I don’t recall (ever?) writing my own db-functions.


This is a combination of beginners, editors and rebl so posting here: - I wanna setup a minimal dev environment with an editor, a REPL and the REBL wired up sending tap>s to REBL. - Me being an Emacs neophyte can't go the CIDER route right now. - What are the things I should learn to set this up, and also understand what's going on?


Actually, the setup Sean Corfield showed in a screencast seems like the perfect thing. I'll try stealing those aliases from his deps.edn on GitHub.


@jaihindhreddy What editor do you normally use?


I use Sublime Text a lot. VS Code and Atom are fairly familiar too. Dabbled a little with Emacs. Modal editors feel weird to me.


If Atom is familiar, I'd suggest Chlorine as the package, since it doesn't need nREPL and can use a Socket REPL -- then you can follow the workflow I showed in my recent screencast. Feel free to follow up in #chlorine for more information.

Daniel Hines18:05:53

Anyone use Framer X?

Daniel Hines20:05:50

What’s that quote about how Java had just enough Lisp to inoculate people against it?