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@lee Yeah, switching to evil-mode has been great for me. There are other good options out there in terms of editors now, and more power to people who use and like them, but I've been using emacs for 25 years and nothing else feels quite right to me- old dogs, new tricks, I guess. I do think the old vi joke "Emacs is a great operating system- too bad it lacks a decent text editor" has some truth to it though. There was a bit of a learning curve to evil-mode, but for me at least it is the best of both worlds.


I do wish emacs had enough funding behind it to, say, pay someone to stay up with Javascript's syntax- I suppose I shouldn't complain and just do that myself, but I don't have the time. But Prettier mostly solves that problem, so...


IMO that’s what LSP is for


I had a very hard time getting anything to work well with JS a while back, but that was a while ago. I will take another look at LSP. Thanks!


Of course, now I'm, sold on auto-formatters that come with languages.


yeah. not sure what the status is on the various LSP modes for Emacs


I tried using one for reason/OCaml a little while ago and it was kind of rough 😕


The tricky bit is figuring out how to format stuff that's not yet parseable.


Language-specific auto-formatters are pretty much ideal, I think, for finished lines of code.


But it's disconcerting when your code jumps around too much when it becomes parseable.

dominicm20:04:54 I feel like this will be interesting for those here


Title: does the longer that a defect is in software, cause the fix to be larger?


@dominicm Doesn't it depend a lot?


I mean, there have been times when I've been scared to fix a bug because I knew a lot of code might actually depend on that bug, so I needed to find all callers and find out if they depended on it.


At a previous job, in the billing rules if a bug existed long enough it became the new proper way.