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nerd question: does anyone know if you need continuations in order to implement algebraic effects?
@U4YGF4NGM short answer, you don't need first class continuations, no.
thanks! @U06GS6P1N not sure what you mean. most of my encounters with algebraic effects has come from reading multicore OCaml, which does use delimited continuations heavily
I can’t tell if I’m being dense, @U1GCL8V2B it looks like that paper assumes delimited continuations exist in their language
Oh god, sorry, yes, you do. I had not had anywhere near enough coffee when I wrote that xD
nah. I had skimmed that article before but you made me actually sit down and read at least the beginning part, which was good 😛
it seems like there’s a specific class of effects one can imagine implement without continuations, e.g. any synchronous accessing of resource or task. but anything where you want to halt (e.g. exceptions) or continue later after another thread of execution requires continuations
@U4YGF4NGM I was joking :)
Hi Clojurians, I do honestly wonder if anyone has ever experienced code theft inside the company/department? In a new organization I solved a few problems through python scripts and decreased time of some data operations from day(s) to 3-5 minutes and recently I heard that the head of the department is posing as the author of those solutions. 😄
Ask him to solve an even harder optimization problem with everyone CC'd
Also, the Git log contains your email information, right?
I suggest to go to talk to him. Keep in mind that hear-says are sources of misunderstandings, assume the best and ask for clarifications.
Yeah, and the thing is I write crystal clear, abstract, reusable, documented code and today I saw the downside of it. Regarding clojure: yeah, I’m going to eventually make this move and migrate to Clojure, but a few obstacles hold me back right now. I assume it was I, because it was happening inside our department.
@manutter51 no idea, never watched it :)