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Is it still a depth first search if the parent is queued for processing after its children?

Denis G17:11:36

parent should not be queued after processing. You have visited set, for visited nodes. It doesn’t make sense to re-visit the parent node again. Or is it your specific use case?


I have a single thread that can process nodes. Parents need all of their children resolved before they can be processed.

Denis G18:11:09

Smth like this?

def dfs(source, visited):
    if source in visited: return


    for child in children[source]:
        dfs(child, visited)
    # do your logic here with source


I think order would be wrong for me, the for would need to come before visited.add


Maybe I need to do something closer to a toposort.


I don't really have a compsci background, so I'm spear fishing

Denis G18:11:50

you can not do toposort in a graph with a cycle

Denis G18:11:58

> the for would need to come before visited.add how come?

Denis G18:11:41

the visited.add is there in order to prevent calling a node twice or more.

Denis G19:11:10

My code does exactly what you said. > Parents need all of their children resolved before they can be processed

Denis G19:11:14

aka post-traversal


Oh, I would go over visited in reverse?


My graph doesn't have a cycle, it's a tree


Which might not be a clear way of describing it. My data is hierarchical.


wikipedia knows more than I expected, and is rather useful

👍 4
Denis G19:11:30

> Oh, I would go over visited in reverse? sure. But this is what you want → child before parent. It should be this way


(defn post-order-tree-seq
  [branch? children root]
  (let [walk (fn walk [n]
               (if (branch? n)
                 (concat (mapcat walk (children n)) [n])
    (walk root)))
Came up with this, which I'm fairly certain is bad given that I'm using concat in this way 🙂 Generally seems to work though!


Clojure is making me smile like an idiot. I was searching for regex to remove consecutive dashes from slugs. It turned out to be as simple as adding (dedupe i) to my (as->...)!!

❤️ 20

I've had that experience so many times, until eventually I got used to always double-checking whether there's a function in core that'll immediately solve my problem 😉