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Also asked this in functionalprogramming Slack: I am writing an application (desktop) that does video capture from webcam, and am conflicted on how to proceed. 1) Could use video in web browser with PureScript or ClojureScript. 2) Could use existing webcam library written in Java with Clojure, 3) Use webcam software repa-v4l2 with Haskell. Any advice?


jdeisenberg: Hello, If you want to create desktop application with serverless architecture.. or with Electron eg.: 1) I think, no problem with serverless architecture. I saw websites too.. which use serverless way everything auth to transcoding process (uploaded videos) etc 2) If you want to use serverless process, the answer yes, if you compiled the lambda to jar // by the way I don’t know, that is real-time videos or not.. maybe yes.. so I think, here you can find more smarter people.. in this area


@jdeisenberg go with clojure/java and navite unix UI.


so I'm doing a project in a DSL, and I just discovered a bug in that langs stdlib, so I combined some clojure code and vim macros to replace the buggy library with the hard coded data I need


which is terrible but I'm at least proud that I could work around a language bug that easily


couldn't cljs dispense with <script> in html? and require that programs specify an ns for each external js lib?


e.g. foo/bar/baz.js -> :require []? when you eval the :require you load the file? (or generate the code to do so?) so you don't need to use <script>?