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All the repls that I know are like A, do you know any examples of B?


I saw one somewhere I forgot where.


I've largely completed my interactive ClojureScript book ( ; wondering if I dare to do a "Show HN" on Hacker News.


@ggaillard @octopuscabbage There is a translation of thae Monads in pictures article to Clojure using Fluokitten. Go to and find if under "all guides".

Geoffrey Gaillard08:03:37

@qqq This is an interesting question ! I think everybody does REPLs like A because it is easier to append to a file or to a stream than to prepend to it. @octopuscabbage @shdzzl @mattgeb @mobileink Thank you all ! I checked it out and this is awesome !


@blueberry : what does fluokitten provide that algo.monads does not? I tried monads in clojure once, and found that without type checking, it was basically impossible


@qqq functors, applicatives, foldables, integration of clojure structures. It is not only possible, but I use it even in Neanderthal (all neanderthal structures are functors and foldables).



(fmap + {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :c 4} {:d 5})
;=> {:a 4 :b 2 :c 4 :d 5}
I think a haskeller would get an heartattack seeing that


this is pretty crazy, you're rewriting parts of learn you a haskell in fluokitten


@qqq it has been rewriten 4 years ago, and is in the test folder, I just never found enough time to write the prose.


one thing I do have to give you credit for, I think this is the closest as I've seen any one get to "function level programming" (as in the John Backus Turing Award Lecture) sense in clojure

Geoffrey Gaillard08:03:55

@qqq I think a haskeller would get an heartattack seeing that I don't understand why this should be shocking 😕


What is so great about midje and why do people love it so much? (Keep running into midje tests in the past few source code bases I have been trying to read.)


a lot of people hate it as well, it one of the more polarizing Clojure projects


hello guys, anyone has ever seen a “git diff for pdf"


in the way that you see what has been added in two different versions


that should be very difficult to implement correctly


you could extract plain text from each and compare using git diff