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This is little Filip, one of my good friends from University. Five months ago he was a waiter in Philadelphia, PA. He saved up a couple thousand, packed everything up, and moved to Thailand. Little Filip started filming his big adventures, and the videos are pretty awesome.


@sveri, @fellshard, you might also want to look into reinforcement learning: Though I guess you'd have to study a bit more for that than for entry-level genetic programming techniques. If you're interested, I recommend


@kauko Thanks so much 🙂


> Maybe there was a bit too much content though..? I'm not sure. At places it felt like you're in a hurry. This is true. I did cram in a bit more than I should’ve.


I cut out more than 30% of what I had earlier though 🙂


is there anything we can do about the #admin-announcements channel? Every time I switch back to clojurians slack after a while of using something else, it focuses the #admin-announcements channel


I would rather want it to stay on the channel where I was before


@rmoehn Thanks for the pointer, I actually watched all the games Alpha Go played against Lee. The thing is in halite you only have on second per round. So I think I need a network that just produces instant output and not like what Alpha Go did. So I need a trained network and I am not sure if that is possible with RL? I think I need to grab more theory 🙂


You're at least heading down the right path, now 🙂


Usually with something like that, more time = better estimate for optimal move


So you give the algorithm some limited time to work, pop out the best answer it can come up with in that time. You can think of it as navigating a search space and trying to pick how to use that time to search wisely each round.


you're welcome. Actually, I recommend watching the whole course if you have the time, it's worth every minute.


(And I don't even work in AI)