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does anyone know why bash would suddenly start ignoring the $PS1 I export?
i have a .bashrc file that I move around with me to different machines, this time it just refuses to change the prompt
vindicator:~ bojan$ export PS1="\n\[$Blue\]\u\[$Color_Off\] at \[$Yellow\]\h\[$Color_Off\] in \[$Green\]\w\n\[$Color_Off\]> "
vindicator:~ bojan$ echo $PS1
\h:\W \u\$
vindicator:~ bojan$
it’s bash
it worked always
it doesn’t matter what i type
whatever i export PS1 to, it remains unchanged
i never saw this and have no idea why it would be broken this way
i have defined $Blue, $Color_Off etc. somewhere before that line
here, without the colors
vindicator:~ bojan$ export PS1="\n\u at \h in \w\n> "
vindicator:~ bojan$ echo $PS1
\h:\W \u\$
when I execute a subshell it works
vindicator:~ bojan$ PS1="\n\u at \h in \w\n> " bash
bojan at vindicator in ~
@bojan.matic: are you by chance using tmux?
no, this is in a pure iterm or Terminal session
no tmux
i am flabbergasted
it’s as if PS1 is silently read-only might echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
and the find the function that it gives you and follow it for clues.
vindicator:~ bojan$ echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
vindicator:~ bojan$ which bash_prompt
vindicator:~ bojan$ type bash_prompt
bash_prompt is a function
bash_prompt ()
vindicator:~ bojan$
i found it, i was sourcing oh-my-git before setting PS1
i moved some configs around so it ended up being sourced earlier