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hm, there is this website hosting talks with slides, and I just cannot remember the name of it


anyone knows what I mean?




but similar


you can watch the talks and the slides will switch according to the talk


it's pretty popular, but jeez, I hate that when i cannot remember 😄


@epi exactly, thank you very much


@sveri I talked to Slack when they started, backend is PHP.


FWIW, the devs just had a slack vs. gitter discussion and decided Gitter worked better for us, for now. But also I ❤️ Slack. So not offering an opinion, just sayin’.


Also interesting: the ‘plaidchat’ node-webkit unofficial client for Linux/Solaris/etc. is actually better in some ways than the official Slack OS X content, while providing similar UX since the official client is node-webkit as well, IIRC.


Plaidchat looks okay but doesn't have e.g. autocorrect like Chrome


@canweriotnow: very interesting re: Gitter — I’ve been using Gitter on a couple of projects and I’m less than thrilled with it. Could you share some of the pros / cons from that discussion?


@seancorfield: Gitter doesn’t have the massive integration capabilities of Slack, but as those are really only applicable to paid accounts, I think that’s a wash. Gitter doesn’t have the history limits AFAIK that Slack does on free usage, so you don’t have the one problem we’ve been having with clojurians slack, which is messages disappearing quickly. Gitter doesn’t offer the archive facilities, but again, not what I’d consider an issue.


Features certainly aren’t 1:1 but Gitter is designed to work along with Github, so referencing issues and repos is nicely formatted, and project-specific channels (I’m thinking of, e.g., the #C06AH8PGS channel here, could have all their github activity in the sidebar. So that’s pretty cool.


Don’t get me wrong, I ❤️ Slack, I use it at work, but I think for large FOSS communities, Gitter has advantages.


Datascript, for example, has a ton of activity on Gitter, and it works really well.


The one major difference I would say is that Slack makes it easy to group all the channels in one “team” whereas Gitter would involve maybe making a directory for peeps to find things.


Yeah, the GitHub integration in Gitter is nicer than Slack’s version (IMO). I hadn’t thought about the message history limit issue.


Also, Gitter’s use of Github Oauth for login negates the need for the email-invite system at


So, creating a “clojurians” Github org would then make it easy to create any number of channels under that category. It might also be necessary to create a directory of project channels like the existing datjscript channel and other projects on github under other users/groups


I wasn’t sure whether Gitter required a 1:1 mapping between channels and projects in an org.


Oops, just noticed I omitted "less than" in my post above — now edited — since I was not happy with Gitter, and preferred Slack’s UX.


Most of the Slack communities I’m in have no associated presence on GitHub and a couple of them are either not very technical or not involved with OSS at all.


But it’s interesting to read about people’s experiences with Slack at scale (there are around 1,700 Clojurians already). WordPress has a 5,000+ member Slack community and a couple of others I’m in are well into their hundreds already.


No, you can have random channels under an org… exercism has /roadmap, /dev, /support, etc.


I think it’s on the order of users * messages-per-user, it’s that message storage limit that gets you.