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Good morning
adulteratedjedi: ha, PHP are much better than tons bash-scripts with several thousands lines =(
ul: messages with /me work even for Skype
ul: we've had a chat in Skype on my previously job and it've worked. Now it might be changed. Not sure for real
ul: yesterday you said about the invite to bb, but I've been seeing nothing from yesterday
okay, i will make repo public, only add note about that cleanup PRs are highly appreciated )))
ul: do you have a twiiter account?
ul: posted!
auch, yahoo pipes shutting down.. whoever is running planet clojure got a major job ahead (333 yahoo pipes) 😕
@borkdude: Yes, I started using rails in 2004, in Boston, and back there there were like 20 of us @ boston.rb meetings. Everyone thought I was crazy for leaving Java, and risking my startup on ruby/rails, etc
In fact, I’d say it wasn’t until 2010-ish when things really got cooking in the ruby community
I’m not sure clojure will get there, just because there is a language explosion right now and there’s way more competition. Back then it was almost literally java, php, coldfusion or ruby
@erichmond: interesting to see CFML (ColdFusion) in that list from 2004...
I joined Macromedia in 2000 and they bought Allaire so my team (of Java and C++ devs) were "forced" to build some large apps with ColdFusion, just as it was transitioning from a proprietary C++ engine to a JVM-based one (essentially compile-on-demand, like Clojure).
Oh wow! Yeah, I first used ColdFusion back in 1997? maybe. I was working an internship for some startup and it was my first paid gig that wasn't consulting, and I remember thinking... what beast is this? (my previous experience was C/Pascal/Java). Once I left there tho, I didn't use it much. In Boston people seemed dismissive of it, but it was actually a really smart idea at the time (IMO).
I think I was hardcoding database connections directly in code at that point. MUAHA.
Today there are three open source implementations (Open BlueDragon, Railo, Lucee — the latter is a fork of Railo), and it has evolved a lot...
I can imagine. It was essentially HTML with loops and var substitution when I used it
…there’s a powerful JS-like scripting language now, with closures and member functions on data structures (map / reduce / filter etc) so it feels like most other modern languages
Unfortunately its tag-based / C++ heritage has tarnished its image and most people dismiss it based on what they knew of its old versions.
Yeah, Adobe bought Macromedia and released versions 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 and are planning 12. Railo really moved the language forward (and Macromedia / Adobe mostly followed their lead). Railo stalled last year (management issues) and Lucee is kind of the hot new version
They don’t even say it’s CFML on their home page
At World Singles our dating platform is running on Railo and our application Model is about 50/50 CFML/Clojure now.
The latest Lucee version is OSGi-based, modular, and JSR-223 compliant, which is a huge departure from even the previous JVM versions.
This is a legit reason why I am moving to clojurescript. JS framework frenzy is at 10/10 right now.
@erichmond: here’s a paste of one of our CFML functions — the core
variable is shorthand for the clojure.core
ns and WS
is shorthand for our top-level worldsingles
ns… so that function is a mix of cfscript and Clojure
Yeah I prefer small libraries. The more I have to learn to use a piece of software, the less I care to touch it.
I actually don’t mind Frameworks or IDEs, but I only prefer to use them if there are good backwards compatibility and sane deprecation times.
I don’t mind frameworks if they’re small, simple, and convention-based. Something that helps but generally gets out of my way.
Not surprised to see this community favouring small libraries over frameworks given the it’s easier to compose functions to provide required functionality than objects. However, frameworks lower the bar to entry for development and larger orgs see the advantage in that.
The interesting question is should the bar be lowered and if so, how far?
In my case I had to learn Ruby on Rails for one project and today I was asked to learn Python/Django for a new 5-day project...
@borkdude 5 days? Presumably that’s something pretty trivial or enhancing something that already exists? I question how effective anyone can be in a language they’ve just learned and only have to ‘practice’ for 5 days?
@agile_geek: I know right.
@agile_geek: I know some Python and from what I've seen today skimming Django looks similar to Rails, but still it'd probably take some more time to become effective in a new stack
I take months to become effective and several years to become really efficient. However, I am old and a bit slow 😉
@agile_geek: maybe I'm becoming old too 😃
Ok guys
Which one IDE do you use?
Emacs for Clojure
I use Emacs for writing code, and Textmate for reading it + some types of refactoring
What about IDEA or LightTable?
mystery: I found cursive - IDEA plugin for clojure
I might play around with it next week. Whatever emacs thing I'm using at home is really bad. It crashes whenever a menu comes up? I've just been dealing with it because I'm literally the worst developer known to man so it doesn't bother me.
But I should at least switch to Aquamacs, which I've been using at work and has been nice
Me too, actually. I’ve been using vi/vim since before the dawn of man. But Spacemacs red rover’d me a few months ago.
Though ultimately I think it really just boils down to me liking to press ctrl and meta more than :, haha
once you are embroiled into vim's way of thinking there is no turning back
akiva: spacemacs looks amazing
Yeaaa, I have a marked weakness for trying the shiniest tools, burning myself, and running back to what I was using before so that spacemacs looks NICE.
There’s a bit of a learning curve but it’s well worth it. Helm and Projectile are killer together.
spacemacs does look interesting — I’m not going to shake vi keybindings from my muscle memory in this lifetime. Are there emacs ways of handling breakpoints in Clojure?
My 1 month stint with Emacs has made me a world class guitarist real talk I can pick like a champ now I quit programming to become a rich rock star
By the way, in case any of you guys start having specific questions about IDEs/editors/etc, there is an #C050AN6QW channel.
yeah, I use cursive where it shines: detecting erroneous arity calls, refactoring namespaces, getting rid of unused arguments <- ready go go self installing osx emacs config in a box
I think that's really cool. Different editors definitely have different strengths for sure, so I bet that approach works awesome.
I’ve looked briefly at expectations. Like look of it. matcha looks cool too.
We’ve had mixed results with cloverage. There are certain areas of our code that just cause it to crash. The github site has a number of patches submitted but I don’t know if the project owner is going to accept them.
akiva: As far as I understand, spacemacs are run in console?
the only emacs i know of on homebrew is the one true gnu emacs, no modifications, no filler
This is "Mac port" addition to GNU Emacs 24. This provides a native GUI support for Mac OS X 10.4 - 10.10. Note that Emacs 23 and later already contain the official GUI support via the NS (Cocoa) port for Mac OS X 10.4 and later. So if it is good enough for you, then you don't need to try this.
akiva: I’ve installe it via brew
Is it just emacs in my Application folder?
i've used emacsformacosx binaries, emacs source, and caskroom emacs -- all seem pretty much the same
making emacs work with other homebrew things requires a bit of hackery --
akiva: does it have clojure repl by default?