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Lukas Domagala10:08:31

I’m trying to get nrepl eval to return metadata for our notebooks. I seem to be doing something wrong, just not sure what. Any ideas?

-> sent
  id: '47',
  op: 'eval',
  session: '00da353e-8b48-4ff2-bc1c-972fb31f9a1b',
  code: '^{:portal.viewer/default :portal.viewer/hiccup} [:h1 "hello, world"]',
  'nrepl.middleware.print/options': { 'print-meta': true },
  'nrepl.middleware.print/print': 'cider.nrepl.pprint/pprint',
  file: '/Users/lukas/Workspace/clojure/calva/test-data/notebook.clj',
  line: 29,
  column: 3,
  stdout: [Function: stdout],
  stderr: [Function: stderr],
  pprint: true

<- received
  id: '47',
  ns: 'notebook',
  session: '00da353e-8b48-4ff2-bc1c-972fb31f9a1b',
  value: '[:h1 "hello, world"]'