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My project depends on nrepl 0.8.3 using clojars coordinates, and it starts a server. When I assemble the project into an uberjar I get the following exception: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: nrepl.QuotaExceeded. I confirmed that my uberjar contains the nrepl classes, but it seems to be missing just the one QuotaExceeded class. I noticed that it is a Java class in the nrepl project. Is it pre-compiled in the library jar on clojars? If no, how should nrepl be packaged into uberjars?

👀 1

You'll have to make sure the uberjaring tool you're using includes the QuotaExceeded.class file

➜ unzip -l /home/arne/.m2/repository/nrepl/nrepl/0.8.3/nrepl-0.8.3.jar | grep Quota
      209  2020-10-25 11:25   nrepl/QuotaExceeded.class
       66  2020-09-23 08:43   nrepl/