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Just submitted a fastify example PR, please take a look
Will continue to work on this example further, hopefully to a production ready web service that can be deployed to cloud like Already benchmarked the http performance of a) nbb-fastify b) node-fastify for a simple text responding endpoint. Would like to create a close-to-real-world service (body parsing, cookie setting, JWT verification etc.) to see how both will play.
Need your help. How can I import, require a map (config) from a sibling file to parent module? Both reside in the same directory.
;; src/a/core.cljs - parent
(ns a.core
(:require [--- THE PROBLEM ---]))
;; src/a/config.cljs - required/ child
(def config { answer: 42 })
you should name your files according to the directory structure, so
becomes (ns a.core)
If I (:require [a.config])
does it become just config
object? or should i qualify the import with :as
Being on and off lisp, common lisp, always trying to like clojure/ script. nbb is a good entry (someone already mentioned on X), that does feel familiar.

nbb bundle
outputs a file with loadString
or loadFile
methods. Is there a way to tap in to transpiler stages to output the interim JS code for debugging?
@URCRY0U87 no, there's not really a way to tap into this. you can edit the code of course, not sure what you are trying to debug?
user=> (require '[applied-science.js-interop :as j])
user=> (j/defn foo [^:js {:keys [a]}] a)
user=> (macroexpand '(j/defn foo [^:js {:keys [a]}] a))
(def foo (cljs.core/fn ([p__28] (applied-science.js-interop/let [{:keys [a]} p__28] a))))
user=> (require '[clojure.walk :refer [macroexpand-all]])
user=> (macroexpand-all '(j/defn foo [^:js {:keys [a]}] a))
(def foo (fn* ([p__35] (let* [map__36 p__35 map__36 (if false (cljs.core/apply cljs.core/hash-map map__36) map__36) a (applied-science.js-interop/get map__36 :a)] (do a)))))