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With a flow like the one below:

(->> (sound/>volume audio-stream)
              (m/eduction (filter pos?))
              (m/reduce (fn [_ v]
                          (when v
                            (js/console.log :use-detect-audio/set-detected v)
                            (set-detected?! true)
                            ;; `reduced` will cancel the flow & audio
                            ;; will no longer be monitored
                            (reduced v))))
              (m.util/run-flow! {}))))
I would expect the reducer function to never be called with anything but positive numbers but I’m seeing that there’s a first call with v being undefined — is this expected? Why is the reducer fn called in that case?


my guess would be the reducer being called with zero argument to get the initial reducing state, try providing nil as an extra argument to m/reduce