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Is it possible to match the path to a node matching some predicate, through an arbitrarily nested data structure? For example, I can do this to get the binding I care about:
(def pull
(m/search pull
(m/$ (m/scan (m/pred translatable-binding? ?binding)))
;; => (#:translatable{:fields [:field/key :field/content]})
But what I'd really like to be able to do is something like this:
(m/search pull
(PATH-OP (m/scan (m/pred translatable-binding? ?path)))
;; => [1 :menu/items 1 :menu.item/entities 0]
I've had some luck with this simplified example using map?
as a predicate:
(m/search [:a :b :c {:d [:e {:f :g}]} [{}]]
[(m/not (m/pred map?)) ..?n {?k ?v} & _]
(concat [?n ?k] (m/cata (doto ?v prn))))
; (out) [:e {:f :g}]
;; => ((3 :d))
However, I'm not sure why the recursion is coming back with nil
. The value of ?v
is what I expect based on the output.ah, I was using cata
on the RHS when it should've been on the left.
Got this working!
(let [tree pull
search-key :translatable/fields
pred #(some #{'* :field/content} %)]
{~search-key (m/pred pred ?v)}
{search-key ?v}
[_ ..?n (m/cata ?map) & _]
[[?n] ?map]
[_ ..?n {(m/and (m/not ~search-key) ?k) (m/cata ?v)} & _]
(let [[path m] ?v]
[(vec (concat [?n ?k] path)) m])))
^ That replaces about 75 lines of baroque, buggy Clojure...I think I'm in love 😍