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Should I use guard clauses in scan to ensure that these values aren't both nil?

;; Want to filter nils, such that both ?from and ?to are populated
(m/search clj-kondo-analysis
          {:var-usages (m/scan {:from-var ?from :name ?to})}
          [?from ?to])
If so, where should I put the clauses? I am having a bit of trouble finding syntax examples with scan. Should I be using a different technique? This is how I structure the data:
(def analysis (:analysis (clj-kondo/run! {:lint      paths
                                          :config    {:analysis {:var-usages      true
                                                                 :var-definitions {:shallow false}}}
                                          :skip-lint true})))
This is a simplified dataset that I am working with:
[{:name     ->evdev,
  :from-var -main}
 {:name     ->joydev,
  :from-var -main},
 {:name     defn
  :from-var nil}]


I think I figured it out!

(m/search (:analysis analysis)
          {:var-usages (m/scan {:from-var ?from
                                :name     ?to
                                &         (m/guard (not= ?from nil))})}

          [?from ?to])


Woooot, got it working!!!! Ubergraph + Meander ❤️

(def multigraph (apply uber/multidigraph
                       (m/search (:analysis analysis)
                                 {:namespace-definitions (m/scan {:name ?ns :as ?rest})
                                  :var-usages            (m/scan {:from-var ?from
                                                                  :name     ?to
                                                                  :to       ?ns
                                                                  &         (m/and (m/guard (not= nil ?from))
                                                                                   (m/guard (not= nil ?to)))
                                                                  :as       ?var-rest})}

                                 [?from ?to ?var-rest])))