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Looking through the logs for an elegant to pull up (simplify) nested boolean logic. For example, a program like this:

(and aa (and bb cc) dd (or ee (and ff))
would simplify to:
(and aa bb cc dd (or ee ff))



    ;; single arg and/or unnest
    ((m/or and or) ?single-arg)

    ;; pull up nested ands, recursively
    (and . (m/or (m/cata (and . !arg ...)) (m/cata !arg)) ...)
    (and . !arg ...)

    ;; recurse
    ((m/cata !x) ...)
    (!x ...)

    ;; stop
    ?x ?x)
Maybe something like this? ^

Jimmy Miller14:04:21

Something like that could probably work. When I’ve made logic simplifiers in the past, I always followed a structure like this. Made it nice and explicit what the rules for simplification were imo.

(defn reduce-logic [prop]
  (m/rewrite prop
    (or true ?x) true
    (or ?x true) true
    (or false ?x) ?x
    (or ?x false) ?x
    ?x ?x))

(defn recursive-reduce [prop]
  (m/match prop
    (?op ?x ?y) (reduce-logic (list ?op (recursive-reduce ?x) (recursive-reduce ?y)))
    (?op ?x) (reduce-logic (list ?op (recursive-reduce ?x)))
    ?x ?x))

(recursive-reduce '(or true true))
(recursive-reduce '(or true x))
(recursive-reduce '(or false x))
(recursive-reduce '(or (or (or false false) x) false))
(recursive-reduce '(or (or (or true false) x) false))

Jimmy Miller14:04:08

I have some haskell code that uses this exact structure, just with more rules


Oh, nice, I dig the explicit recursion. Seems easy to follow

Jimmy Miller14:04:17

Yeah, that is always the tricky bit is not infinite looping. This structure prevents you from having to think about that. In, fact I actually have an unnecessary cata. Let me remove that

Jimmy Miller14:04:08

Yeah, so everything in reduce-logic does not recurse at all. It is just the basic rules for simplification.