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Hey there. I’m relatively new to using malli, and I’ve got a regular case that I was doing with spec that I cannot figure out with the sequential schemas that malli supports. I want to validate like s/every?
, but my value could be a lazy seq, list, set, vector, or even map…basically anything that you can seq
. I’ve tried all of the built-in stuff I’ve found, and have resorted to making my own:
(m/-collection-schema {:type :every, :pred coll?})
I don’t see that anywhere in Malli. Should it be there? Is there something I’ve missed that does the same thing?No such thing at the moment. So, would coll?
match all of those? if so, maybe a new`:collection` schema?
[:collection :int]
[:collection {:min 1, :max 10} :any]
[:collection {:distinct true, :min 1} :string]
So I’m porting over code that uses s/every and s/coll-of, and both of those don’t care what kind of collection it is, though they have an option to help with generators (:into). every is NOT exhaustive (for performance) and coll-of is. I like them both, but having something close to either would be great. The -collection-schema
I proposed above is what I installed in my registry, and it has covered the cases I’ve hit so far.
ok. good to hear you are happy with that. I’m open to adding :collection
that to malli, but it would also needs these:
• error messages
• generator
• json-schema mapping
• transforming mappings
ah good point. I’m not deep enough into Malli yet to have used any of that except error messages 😄
I have a pretty flexible, recursive schema Are there any tricks for getting better error messages?
I think instead of :orn
you could use : multi
. This will show an error for one branch only, where as :orn
will explain in the context of all branches, because malli cannot now what branch it was supposed to dispatch on.
the regex errors are really bad atm and should be improved (just need to figure out how, ideas welcome). here’s my test on “schemas of schemas” with :enum
syntax. Simplest possible case and the error is 🙈
the regex errors are really bad atm and should be improved (just need to figure out how, ideas welcome). here’s my test on “schemas of schemas” with :enum
syntax. Simplest possible case and the error is 🙈
Hey there! Is there a way with Malli coercion to remove optional keys if their value is nil
instead of e.g. an integer?
Nothing out-of-the-box in Malli, but using a custom decoder for your map schema, you should be able to walk map entries and ignore those with nil
It’s a bit tricky to get right at first, but Malli does have some built-in functions for e.g. stripping extra keys. That may help guide you
Something like this should work:
(def strip-nil-transformer
(let [strip-nil
(fn [schema _]
(let [default-schema (m/default-schema schema)]
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (not default-schema))
(fn [acc k v]
(if (nil? v) (dissoc acc k) acc))
x x)
{:decoders {:map strip-nil}})))
Hi, I'm moving from clojure.spec to malli. I'm having it hard to instrument a function's output. In this case, I want to make sure that the output is larger or equal than the input. In spec, I would use
(s/fdef area-of-square
:args (s/cat :len nat-int?)
:ret nat-int?
:fn #(>= (:ret %)
(:len %)))
In Malli, I'm using defn's metadata syntax:
(defn area-of-square-with-schema
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat nat-int?] [:and
(>= area length)]]}
(* len len))
I get an invalid schema exception.
How would you suggest I go about this?
Again, I want to make sure that the output ("area") is larger or equal than the input ("length").[:and nat-int? [:fn (fn [{:keys [area length]}] (>= area length))]]
should be right
, but - there is no way to correlate inputs & outputs currently like :fn
is for spec. Should be easy to add thou.
@UEENNMX0T Thanks for your answer, but what I'm trying to find here is a way for the output to refer not only to the input, but also to its own value.
Your suggestion assumes I have two input params (`area` and lenght
); however, I only have one: length
(`area` is the way in which I refer to the output value).
I tried the following code, with :catn
(for named params).
But I get the same error:
[:=> [:catn [:len nat-int?]]
[:catn [:area
[:fn (fn [{:keys [area len]}]
(>= area len))]]]]]}
Thanks for your answer, @U055NJ5CC! I found the corresponding issue:
Merged in master, see guide
Hi all, a couple Malli questions:
• would the maintainers accept a PR that adds a table of contents and perhaps slightly reorganizes the readme?
• Is there a built-in schema for anything "listy"? That is: lists, seqs, vectors, and sets. (side note, is there a term for these things that excludes maps? Basically, a collection of values, but not keyed values)
• If there's no built-in for that, is the best approach to use something like [:or [:set Schema] [:sequential Schema]]
• doesn’t github has auto-toc nowadays? see the pic. • improving README is most welcome, big re-org - maybe, if it clearly makes things better, would need to see the changes first • the last one, I think this was just discussed yesterday, see