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Hi! Looks like after mt/strip-extra-keys-transformer started to strip all keys from :map if there is no ::m/default provided.

 {1 1, 2 "2", "3" 3, "4" "4"}
; => {}
Is it working as intended?

Noah Bogart13:08:11

if you don't mind, how do you expect it to work?


I never thought about it, actually.


And I might be biased by the way it worked before.

Noah Bogart13:08:02

how did it work before?


Actually, seems like I don’t really know 🙃


Trying to reproduce )

Noah Bogart13:08:20

that's annoying


Okay, got it.


  {1 1, 2 "2", "3" 3, "4" "4"}
; => {1 1, 2 "2", "3" 3, "4" "4"}


Seems like my memory not failed me this time.


[metosin/malli "0.10.2"]

Noah Bogart14:08:17

i'm asking because to me, stripping all keys is the only way i can make sense of "map schema with no keys" plus "strip extra keys". if there are no defined keys, then every key is extra. for validation, :map is completely open. but for stripping (coercion), idk if i agree


That is one way to think about it. The other way might be to think of [:map] as an open map that might contain any key with any value. This way you get a map that might evolve for some time, before it could take final form. But as I’ve said, I might be biased, because it just took a couple of hours of my life )

Noah Bogart14:08:21

yeah for sure, i don't mean to discount the effort


Anyway, this change isn’t marked as breaking in changelog and my intent was to know if this effect was intended, and if it was, then propose to mark is as breaking.

👍 2
Noah Bogart14:08:43

I bet the folks at metosin would be willing to do that for you. they're responsive on github


Looks fishy. Just ending my 9 week vacation, have no memory of why that is changed. Looking at the CHANGELOG:

* mt/strip-extra-keys-transformer works with :map-of.
might have changed the behavior of :map unintentionally. Please write an issue of this. I’ll check the commit messages if there is clue for this.

👌 2

(testing "extra keys from :map are stripped"
    (is (= {:x 1, :y 2}
            [:map [:x :int] [:y :int]]
            {:x 1, :y 2, :z 3}




as maps are open by default, I think it’s bit odd to strip extra keys. For closed maps, sure.


Another side effect of this change is when you merge two map definitions and the first one has default key:

(def registry (merge (m/default-schemas) (mu/schemas)))
  (def Merged
       [:x :string]
       [::m/default [:map-of :keyword :any]]]
      [:map {:closed true}
       [:y :int]]]
     {:registry registry}))

  (m/validate Merged {:x "kikka", :y 6, :z "invalid"})
; => true
I.e. map is marked as closed, but it is not really closed.