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Is there a conventient way to recursively make all keys optional using mu/optional-keys
(defn make-all-keys-optional
"Recursively apply mu/optional-keys to map schemas"
(fn [schema]
(if (= :map (m/type schema))
(mu/optional-keys schema)
Hi all, I have a question regarding Reitit Malli request coercion: When receiving a Transit request, the string decoders defined in my schema are executed, if it is a JSON request, it is only transformed by Muuntaja, but the Malli string decoders seems to be skipped… does that make sense? Background: I’m using the string decoders to convert strings into dates or big decimals.
Found the solution:
I had to add an additional :decode/json
property on my LocalDate / BigDecimal type, which a copy of the :decode/string
Looks like this for LocalDate:
(def LocalDate
{:type 'LocalDate
:pred #(instance? java.time.LocalDate %)
:type-properties {:error/message "invalid date"
:decode/string #(t/date %)
:decode/json #(t/date %)
:json-schema {:type "string"
:format "date"}
:gen/gen (gen/fmap #(t/>> (t/today) (t/new-period % :days)) (gen/choose -365 365))}}))
Hi all, one more question: is it possible to walk a spec + value in Malli? Say for example from the following spec
[:schema {:registry {::id :int
::address [:map
[::street :string]
[::city ::id]]
::user [:map
[:name ::id]
and example data
{:name -10257,
#:my-ns{:street "bhvZWkA2KL37u7y25O3R", :city 122054499}}
one wants to extract all values corresponding to an ::id
key, that is: [122054499, -10257]
Can this be done? I look at value transformations but they seem to be hardcoded for a prewalk, while here we need a postwalk. Am I missing something? :thinking_face:Duh, a transformer's encode operation can take an interceptor as an operator for a certain schema.
Or a :compile
key if you also need to access the schema, like in this case 🎉