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Noah Bogart14:02:55

Y'all know about It was an attempt at adding clojure.spec specs for nearly all of the clojure.core functions, both as a means of documentation and a way to check input-output when doing development. It stalled out as clojure.spec is not performant enough. now that I've added instrumenting vars in other namespaces, I wonder if we could do a malli version of speculative, see if the performance is any better/if it would help uncover spaces where malli could improve


speculative still has its use, e.g. in I think even with a malli speculative, instrumenting core would just be way too slow and probably not worth it

Noah Bogart14:02:31

oh cool! I didn't realize you were using it for re-find, I thought you were using something like grasp.


a good test case would be advent of code puzzles. at one point I had a solution which took 15 minutes with instrumentation and 50ms without or so


(exact number I don't remember but it was something absurd like that)

Noah Bogart14:02:28

yeah, it's debatable if it would be worth it, but malli is pretty dang fast comparatively: 40ns vs 450ns for simple schemas. 10x speed increase is sharp


10x won't really solve that problem imo


the problem is that some core functions will become 1000x slower


but exact benchmarks must be done to revalidate that, it's been a while


How do validate that I have a valid malli (vector) schema? Or, what is the schema of schemas? eg.

 [:attribute :keyword]
 [:schema [:and :vector :schema]]
.core/child-error {:type :schema, :properties nil, :children nil, :min 1, :max 1}


there's a malli.core/schema? that looks promising


Looks like that checks to see if it’s an instance of a schema, which would force me to invoke (schema) on the data. I’ve been on the fence on how proactive I should be about doing that. I do see there is (form) which does get the data back… I was expecting that there was a schema schema somewhere though.


I've just wrapped (malli.core/schema <args>) in a try catch - catch branch returns false to determine if a valid schema is passed in