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Brett Rowberry17:01:10

when inferring malli schemas from data, I can tell it how to handle strings as uuids, for example, as shown here some string values may be inst or other types - is there a way to have it handle those as well?


sure, anything you can present transformers works here. Check how inst? is handled in malli.transform

Brett Rowberry17:02:12

sorry, I should have given a better example

(require '[malli.provider :as mp])
(require '[malli.transform :as mt])

 [{:my-uuid "caa71a26-5fe1-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002"
   :my-inst "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"}]
 {::mp/value-decoders {'string? {:uuid mt/-string->uuid}}})
;; can I treat :my-uuid as a uuid and :my-inst as an inst?


with master:

(require '[malli.provider :as mp])
(require '[malli.transform :as mt])

 [{:my-uuid "caa71a26-5fe1-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002"
   :my-inst "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"}]
 {::mp/value-decoders {'string? {:uuid mt/-string->uuid
                                 'inst? mt/-string->date}}})
; => [:map [:my-uuid :uuid] [:my-inst inst?]]

Brett Rowberry23:02:39

so this would be after 0.8.0


if you use deps, you can depend on the lastest commit on master to try this out. for leiningen - in the next release.

Brett Rowberry14:02:30

we're using some custom bazel thing, so I'll have to wait for the jar. thank you so much for this feature! type providers were so awesome in F# - I really appreciate having something similar in Clojure!


[metosin/malli "0.8.1"]


and good to hear, it is useful 🙂


with master:

(require '[malli.provider :as mp])
(require '[malli.transform :as mt])

 [{:my-uuid "caa71a26-5fe1-11ec-bf63-0242ac130002"
   :my-inst "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"}]
 {::mp/value-decoders {'string? {:uuid mt/-string->uuid
                                 'inst? mt/-string->date}}})
; => [:map [:my-uuid :uuid] [:my-inst inst?]]