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Any recommendation on dealing with time? I've got multiple fields that hold LocalDateTime and it's not clear to me how I should express that.
you could c&p code from this, or wait for the PR or just do something like:
(def LocalDateTime
{:type 'LocalDateTime
:pred #(instance? LocalDateTime %)
:type-properties {:error/message "invalid date-time"
:decode/string #(LocalDate/parse %)
:json-schema {:type "string"
:format "date-time"}}))
(m/validate LocalDateTime (LocalDateTime/now)) ; => true
(didn’t run that, might not work, but like that anyways.When walking a schema, what does the nil
that appears as the second entry in all children represent?
(def temperaturmätning
[:odlingsplats [string? {:min 1}]]
[:tidpunkt string?]]))
(fn [schema path children _]
(println "Path: " path)
(println "Type: " (malli/type schema))
(print "Schema: ")
(clojure.pprint/pprint schema)
(clojure.pprint/pprint children)
(case (malli/type schema)
string? [:input {:type "text"} (-> path last name)]
:map [:div.input-group children])
;; [:div.input-group
;; [[:odlingsplats nil [:input {:type "text"} "odlingsplats"]]
;; [:tidpunkt nil [:input {:type "text"} "tidpunkt"]]]]