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I am having trouble with mutually recursive schemas raising :malli.core/potentially-recursive-seqex. The intention is for the schemas to be recursive so my question is: why is the exception is being raised? I assume I have expressed recursion in an improper way, but I can’t quite figure it out. the schemas and the invocation of m/validate that raises the error. Any help would be much appreciated!


In App, you should wrap the :refs in :schena , like [:schema [:ref :lit]] so that they are not inlined in the :cat.


Thanks, that works. I think I understand what you mean by “inlined by the :cat” but I am surprised that :ref must be wrapped. I thought only seqex schemas (`:cat` , :*, :alt, etc) had to be wrapped to prevent inlining. I am probably not understanding something about seqex in general. I’ll keep reading. Thanks again!