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Ben Sless09:10:04

how should I compile a transformer which I want to operate only on leave?

Ben Sless11:10:11

It's pretty terrible but it works. Anything here a bad idea?

(defn -strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer
  [schema _]
  (let [entries (filter #(:optional (m/properties (second %))) (m/entries schema))
        fs (map (fn [[k v]]
                  (let [validator (m/validator v)]
                    (fn [m]
                      (if-let [e' (find m k)]
                        (let [v' (val e')]
                          (if (validator v')
                            (dissoc m k)))
    (reduce comp fs)))

(def strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer
  (let [transform {:compile
                   (fn [schema _]
                     {:leave -strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer})}
        encoders {:map transform}]
     {:decoders encoders
      :encoders encoders})))


with a quick look, looks good. the runtime is bare minimum, everything possible has been pushed to creation time.


but, should the encoding happen at enter?


e.g. you have valid value, after encoding, the keys could be different, (e.g. stringified) so the transforming functions misses all the keys.

Ben Sless18:10:58

you're correct, I didn't consider the encode case

Ben Sless18:10:21

I must say the order where things happen with regards to transformers compilation was very hard to follow 😞

Ben Sless11:10:11

It's pretty terrible but it works. Anything here a bad idea?

(defn -strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer
  [schema _]
  (let [entries (filter #(:optional (m/properties (second %))) (m/entries schema))
        fs (map (fn [[k v]]
                  (let [validator (m/validator v)]
                    (fn [m]
                      (if-let [e' (find m k)]
                        (let [v' (val e')]
                          (if (validator v')
                            (dissoc m k)))
    (reduce comp fs)))

(def strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer
  (let [transform {:compile
                   (fn [schema _]
                     {:leave -strip-invalid-optional-keys-transformer})}
        encoders {:map transform}]
     {:decoders encoders
      :encoders encoders})))

Ben Sless15:10:06

It seems that most times where relations about map keys are requires by users it is to specify mutual exclusion. Could it be worth it to add a mutex property which takes a collection of keys which are mutually exclusive?


woudn’t the key-relations solve that? havan’t had time to give that much though, but agree something should be there in the core.

Ben Sless18:10:08

Getting the key-relations to work correctly and with good performance will be lots of work which I don't know when I'll get to. Adding :mutex [[:a :b]] can be done in a couple of hours