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Hi there! I’m trying to use malli as a parsing+coercion library for external data. I’m a bit lost on what the schemas should look like and what function should I be using. An example is I want to transform a map with shortened key names like this {"a" "11", "b" "10.01"} into this {:ask 11.0 :bid 10.01}. Another case is sequential data, which may look like this ["11" "10.01"], and I would want to get the same data back. I know it’s possible to do some of these steps without malli, i.e. rename-keys or spec/explain with :sequential, but it felt like there should be builtin idioms from the library/schema definitions that helps with the extra transformations that I am performing. Am I just missing something?


I’m no expert, but I think you want encode/decode. See You could write your own custom key-transformer that maintains a mapping of the abbreviations you want.


(mt/key-transformer {:encode your-ns/kw->abbr
                     :decode your-ns/abbr->kw})


Schema for map would be

[:map-of :keyword :number]
Or whatever more specific number type you want.


Something like this in the end (non-tested code)

(m/encode [:map-of :keyword :number]
          {:ask 11.0 :bid 10.01}
           (mt/key-transformer {:encode your-ns/kw->abbr
                                :decode your-ns/abbr->kw})))
;; =>> {"a" "11", "b" "10.01"}

Gary Berger13:06:50

Hello when using map syntax is there a way of describing a oneOf relationship such that:

    [:opt1 integer?]
    [:opt2 integer?]]]  
will allow either :opt1 or :opt2?


do you intend that or to be inclusive or exclusive


 [:or [:map [:a int?]]
      [:map [:b int?]]]
 [:map [:x int?] [:y int?]]]

Gary Berger17:06:01

Just for clarity and not sure there is an easier way but exclusive or looks like

    [:map [:p integer?]]
    [:map [:q integer?]]]
     [:map [:p integer?]]
     [:map [:q integer?]]]]]
  {:p 123 :q 123}) => false


i'm curious if there is a better answer that generates gooder, but this would do the right validation


@garyberger Usually, :and and :or are the way to go, see example in but there is also a declarative map-keys-relations poc:

👍 4