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Ok here's a small sample that I'm perplexed by:
(:require [malli.core :as m]
[ :as dot]))
(def comment-schema
{::id :uuid
::content :string
::replies [:vector [:ref ::comment]]
::updated-at inst?
::created-at inst?
::comment [:map
[::replies {:optional true}]
(def reg {:registry (merge (m/default-schemas) comment-schema)})
(def c
{::id #uuid"ff43dad0-8007-47d7-845e-0b20a021bedb"
::content "hello"
::created-at (java.time.Instant/now)
::updated-at (java.time.Instant/now)})
(m/validate (m/schema ::comment reg) c)
; => true
(m/schema ::comment reg)
; => ::comment
I'm confused why this fails:
(m/schema [:schema reg ::comment] reg)
; =>
; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at malli.impl.util/-fail! (util.cljc:17).
; :malli.core/child-error {:type :enum, :properties nil, :children nil, :min 1}
as well as these calls:
(dot/transform (m/schema ::comment reg))
; =>
; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at malli.impl.util/-fail! (util.cljc:17).
; :malli.core/invalid-schema {:schema ::comment}
;; trace: dot.cljc: 58 dot.cljc: 60 dot.cljc: 17
malli.core/walk core.cljc: 1655
malli.core/walk core.cljc: 1657
malli.core/-schema-schema/reify/reify/-walk core.cljc: 1276
malli.core/walk/reify/-outer core.cljc: 1662 dot.cljc: 21
malli.core/-properties-and-options core.cljc: 270
malli.core/-property-registry core.cljc: 265
clojure.core/reduce-kv core.clj: 6856
clojure.core.protocols/fn/G protocols.clj: 175
clojure.core/fn core.clj: 6845
malli.core/-property-registry/fn core.cljc: 265
malli.core/schema core.cljc: 1610
malli.core/-schema core.cljc: 251
malli.impl.util/-fail! util.cljc: 16
(dot/transform (m/schema ::comment reg) reg)
; =>
; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at malli.impl.util/-fail! (util.cljc:17).
; :malli.core/invalid-schema {:schema ::comment}
;; same trace as above
This one also fails..
(def cons-schema {::cons [:maybe [:tuple pos-int? [:ref ::cons]]]})
(def cons-list [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 nil]]]]])
(def reg {:registry (merge (m/default-schemas) cons-schema)})
(dot/transform (m/schema ::cons reg) reg)
; =>
; :malli.core/invalid-schema {:schema ::cons}
Following up on this, made some further investigations. this works:
(dot/transform [:schema {:registry cons-schema} ::cons])
this fails:
(dot/transform [:schema {:registry (merge (m/default-schemas) cons-schema)} ::cons])
; =>
:malli.core/child-error {:type :enum, :properties nil, :children nil, :min 1}
I'm not sure how adding the defaults would affect things. :puzzled:
Related to this, what is the difference between these two?:
(m/schema [:schema {:registry cons-schema} ::cons]) ;; works
(m/schema ::cons {:registry cons-schema}) ;; fails -> :malli.core/invalid-schema {:schema :maybe}