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Good morning. is it possible from the REPL to load up a jar into the current classpath using a lumo fn?
Presumably Lumo must have the smarts, just can't find the bit of code that handles it
does someone know how to get the noise characters away from a inf-clojure lumo repl, @plexus if Im not mistaken, you had some CL flag in your 'inf-clojure-program that did that (refering to the last emacs meetup).
Hmm @dominicm , not obvious how that PR helps. Basically trying to - from the Lumo REPL - compile a JAR and start using it (i.e. I can then require in the REPL a namespace from that JAR).
@jonpither lumo -c 'path/to/jar/dir'
does that work?
eldoc! 😄
(setq inf-clojure-arglist-command
(:meta (cljs.analyzer.api/resolve {} (symbol \"%s\")))))")
@jonpither That PR is about dynamically altering the classpath.
Apologies, I can't seem to grok the PR (granted I'm new to Lumo). I.e. how does LUMO_ADD_SOURCES get put into the context and made accessible ?
if someone tries the inf-clojure-arglist-command code I posted above, one will find out that lumo spits out #_=>
when evaluating that command. Would it make sense to force lumo to ignore sending these #_=>
when it has no content to show?
@hlolli what do you mean?
$ echo "(cljs.analyzer.api/resolve {} 'asdf)" | lumo -d
Lumo 1.2.0
ClojureScript 1.9.482
Docs: (doc function-name-here)
Exit: Control+D or :cljs/quit or exit
cljs.user=> nil
it's the eldoc that's causing this, not the function itself, it's probably sending string into the inf-clojure process and this is probably stdout/stderr noise coming from lumo.
means that the form is incomplete
ok, then something else in emacs is the problem. But you should be able to see this if you try to make inf-clojure autocomplete.
ah ok, this appears, and when pressing enter, it returns the same retuns as the minibuffer is messaging. Ok need to research this bit deeper.
if I press tab after typing (
I don't see anything
with eldoc enabled and inf-clojure process running, evaluate this
(setq inf-clojure-arglist-command
(:meta (cljs.analyzer.api/resolve {} (symbol \"%s\")))))")
then more the cursor here (apply |)
you see the eldoc in echo buffer and these #=> appearing in the inf-clojure repl.