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Edward Ciafardini19:08:20

I have my luminus app deployed to heroku with an SSL certificate- so going to (fake link) works and shows the lock icon in browser But if I access the link without the https:// appended to the URL, http is used and there is an “unsecured connection” warning. Is there a way in luminus to redirect all requests to my URL to use https?


be careful with hsts, browsers are kind of strict from what I remember


bottom: line, you need to do it in your app. A high level solution is: Add a route / middleware ?! that checks schema = http . when that happens, either send HSTS and/or redirect to http . Maybe you can find a library that implements this logic ?!

Edward Ciafardini22:09:27

Thanks - I think I found something 😁


please share


@U01TLNH6ULD I have the same issue and would also be interested in your solution 🙂

Ted Ciafardini11:09:00

this is what I found: I haven’t tried it yet- but it’s on my todo list.

Ted Ciafardini11:09:05

Let me know if you have any luck 🙂


Cool, thank you very much!


Actually there is a much easier way, almost trivial. It is possible to enable a Strict-Transport-Security header and redirect to HTTPS using the Ring config. No need to add ring-ssl. Just add the lines (assoc-in [:security :hsts] true) (assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect] true) like this in your middleware.clj:

        (-> site-defaults
            (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] true) 
            (assoc-in [:session :store] session/store)
            (assoc-in [:security :hsts] true)
            (assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect] true)))

💫 1
Ted Ciafardini12:09:55

awesome. Trivial if you know about it :man-shrugging: - where did you find this? thanks!


True 🙂 I was looking into what function wrap-defaults from ring.middleware.defaults does, that’s where I found it.

thanks2 1

Only problem right now is that it is enabled in dev mode as well, and https://localhost:3000 does not work

Ted Ciafardini12:09:19

I was wondering if that would be a problem

Ted Ciafardini12:09:48

Probably a cond-> that checks the env var

Ted Ciafardini12:09:53

let me try something


Yeah… (assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect] (get defaults :ssl-redirect true))))


and then :ssl-redirect false in env.clj

Ted Ciafardini12:09:47

I had a gnarly cond-> going lol


It’s probably better to disable HSTS for localhost as well


I had it enabled and got redirected (although broken), but now my browser will immediately redirect to HTTPS due to HSTS… the max-age is set for 1 year — I guess I should find out how to reset this 😂

Ted Ciafardini13:09:55

Are you sure about (get defaults :hsts true)? This will default to true even if it isn’t present


My idea was that it isn’t present on production, therefore to enable it on production, it must be true

Ted Ciafardini13:09:04

I’m trying this out:

(defn wrap-base [handler]
  (let [config-file (:conf (source/from-system-props))]
   (-> ((:middleware defaults) handler)
       (-> site-defaults
           (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
           (assoc-in [:session :store] (ttl-memory-store (* 60 30)))
           ;Enable HTTPS redirect...
           ;TODO - look into these settings and what they mean:
           (assoc-in [:security :hsts] (if (= config-file "dev-config.edn")
           (assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect] (if (= config-file "dev-config.edn")

Ted Ciafardini13:09:19

ack - assoc’ing in ssl-redirect broke my page when deployed 🌚


your version looks a bit too complicated in checking the config file name to figure out whether it’s dev or not


what exactly broke your page?

Ted Ciafardini13:09:47

This page isn't  redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.

Ted Ciafardini13:09:20

You don’t have this problem in production?

Ted Ciafardini13:09:04

“More than 20 redirections”


You’re faster than me, I’m deploying… 😄


Ah ok, seems like the App does not know it’s being accessed via HTTPS already and therefore already redirects. I will have the same issue then.

Ted Ciafardini13:09:05

Take a look at this defaults.clj - the wrap-defaults function

Ted Ciafardini13:09:27

I think it’s already doing this for us, we just need to set up the config correctly


Yeah, I was just looking at it too, try setting :proxy to true to enable wrap-forwarded-scheme

Ted Ciafardini13:09:11

yah, deploying now to see if it works 🤞


Works for me now 👍

Ted Ciafardini13:09:41

Can I see yr wrap-base fn?


1st redirect is from the app (HTTP 301), on a subsequent visit it’s a browser redirect (HTTP 307)… as expected


(defn wrap-base [handler]
  (-> ((:middleware defaults) handler)
        (-> site-defaults
            (assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] true)
            (assoc-in [:session :store] session/store)
            (assoc-in  [:security :hsts] (get defaults :hsts true))
            (assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect] (get defaults :ssl-redirect true))
            (assoc-in [:proxy] (get defaults :proxy true))))


and my config in env.clj

:hsts false
   :ssl-redirect false
   :proxy false})

Ted Ciafardini13:09:50

how did you know defaults would have the vals from config?


because I added them in env.clj

Ted Ciafardini13:09:11

Can I see that?


(ns myapp.env
    [selmer.parser :as parser]
    [ :as log]
    [ :refer [wrap-dev]]))

(def defaults
   (fn []
     (log/info "\n-=[myapp started successfully using the development profile]=-"))
   (fn []
     (log/info "\n-=[myapp has shut down successfully]=-"))
   :middleware wrap-dev
   :hsts false
   :ssl-redirect false
   :proxy false})

Ted Ciafardini13:09:50

ahhhh, I see now

Ted Ciafardini13:09:21

I was trying to pull these from the config file. I wonder if there’s a way to do that. This works though


I would only pull things from a config file which need to change without recompilation and can be read from the environment, so e.g. database URL


but in this case the production build will never have HTTPS switched off — I guess 🙂

Ted Ciafardini13:09:41

Ok, cool. This is the first website I’ve ever made, so I don’t really know best practices

Ted Ciafardini13:09:49

Thanks for all your help


if you look at core.clj, there is a line like this: (update :port #(or (-> env :options :port) %)) This is reading the port from the config file

Ted Ciafardini13:09:36

I set up a prod-only DATABASE_URL for the postgres instance by the skin of my teeth