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Quick question, tell luminus to serve different files?


I have a .js output from clojurescript I want to serve. It is in the cljsbuild/public/js folder


but when I load my page the file doesn't appear there


nvm, was serving the whole, turns out the chrome ui doesn't work the way I though it did 😅


Hi (luminus newbie here - 1) where are the options for the swagger definitions documented 2) how do I indicate that a response will be a json content

Drew Verlee16:10:54

I’m trying to do Repl Driven Development in web development. But i’m not sure whats possible. Here is the docs from REPL Driven Development. When i’m working local on an app I start up my server:

lein new luminus +reframe +datomic ...
lein run
... start server
Then start figwheel
lein figwheel
Figwheel opens a repl. My first question is how this repl relates to the ones referred to in the docs. I would think all repls are created equal, its just a matter of what programs/namespaces they can interact with. Now going back to the luminus docs. It mentions two ways to connect to the REPL 1) Starting the App through a repl 2) embedded nREPL that you can use through an editor What are the trade offs? How do people use these two methods differently? When i started to connect to a repl port from spacemacs using cider i was surprised that the port wasn’t 7000 which was what my nRepl-port key in my evn/dev/resources/config.edn file was set to. When i connect to this other port i had access to functions in my editor like (start) and (stop) that i presume refer to components controls over the state of the app. Was this the right way to go about this? Or do people normally start a non editor repl for this kind of control. What are some resources that talk about this topic futher? Any good screencasts or books? I haven’t read clojure web development.


@drewverlee most of the time I just start repl from my editor (I use Spacemacs + Cider) Once repl is up you end up in user namespace. There are these functions like start which you can use to start application and (if everything goes well) interect with it.


For cljs applications + figwheel I most often just run (start-fw) from the same repl (user namespace).


If I want both clj and cljs repls, I just do cider-connect from my editor and I end up with two repls now. I turn the second one into cljs repl:

;; start figwheel - if not already started

;; start cljs repl
(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
After that, you should open your application UI and cljs-repl should be connected.